Decent Diet Losing weight should work with fast food?

Decent Diet Losing weight should work with fast food? / Health News
Absurdest diet in the world: Lose weight with fast food
Overweight is unhealthy: Numerous studies have already proven this. It is worthwhile, therefore, to get rid of excess pounds through appropriate nutrition. Experts and amateurs have been arguing about the right diet for a long time. An American has lost weight with a particularly absurd method. He only consumed fast food for half a year.

Health risks due to overweight
"Being fat is not healthy": This has already been proven in numerous studies. Especially with very strong overweight (obesity) threatening serious sequelae such as diabetes, hypertension, arteriosclerosis (arteriosclerosis) or lipid metabolism disorders. It also increases the risk of cardiovascular disease, such as a heart attack or stroke. In search of healthy weight, many people try very different methods. The most absurd diet in the world now practiced an American. He only ate at McDonald's for six months and picked it up.

That should work? Lose weight through an unhealthy fast food diet?

Do not exceed 2,000 calorie limit
According to ABC 7 News, overweight teacher John Cisna's students wanted to know if you could be a healthier person if you only eat McDonald's meals. The American from the US state of Iowa accepted the challenge and initially ate only 90 days of the range of fast food chain. He consumed about 2,000 kilocalories each day and walked four to five times a week for about three quarters of an hour each week. In order not to exceed the 2,000 calorie limit, the high school teacher had to fall back on the relatively healthy offers of the group.

"Eaten pommes almost every day"
As a rule, there was therefore for breakfast two "McMuffins", a kind of sandwich with egg and ham. In the US there is the option to order only the egg whites in the omelet. There was a small bowl of porridge and low-fat milk. The lunch included a salad and pre-packaged apple slices or a yogurt with fruit. For dinner, Cisna usually indulged in a typical McDonald's menu. Compared to "ABC 7 News" he said: "I ate fries almost every day." Within the quarter, the teacher had lost almost 17 kilos and his cholesterol levels also fell. This spurred him on to extend the special diet. Over the next three months, he supplemented his sports program with occasional workouts. At the end of the 180 days he had lost a total of almost 28 pounds.

Scientists discourage the special diet
John Cisna has summarized his experiences in the book "My McDonald's Diet" and explained that he only missed seafood and sometimes fish. However, nutritionists and physicians, despite the success, advise against the extraordinary method of weight loss. For example, a recent study has shown a high colorectal cancer risk from fast food. According to research from the University of Pittburgh and London Imperial College, after only two weeks of intensive fast-food consumption, the risk of colorectal cancer rises, as the very high salt and fat and low-fiber food has a negative effect on the intestinal flora. (Ad)

: Tommelom