Strange trick? Fast food in front of the mirror tastes worse

Strange trick? Fast food in front of the mirror tastes worse / Health News
How to get rid of the appetite for unhealthy food
Unhealthy eating is a common cause of people gaining weight and getting rid of the extra pounds. Especially many men who want to get rid of the big belly is often advised to do without fast food. It would obviously be much easier to watch yourself in the mirror while eating.
Reduce appetite for unhealthy eating
Diet methods such as low carb, low fat or simply small plates can help you lose weight. In fact, most people know that by eating less and healthier food, you can lose excess pounds. But the consistent renunciation of so-called junk food falls to most then too difficult. The juicy burger, the greasy pizza or the creamy chocolate cake are simply too tempting. Researchers have now reported on a very simple way to reduce your appetite for unhealthy eating: you sit in front of the mirror while eating.

Unhealthy fast food. Picture: Dron - fotolia

Choice between fruit salad and chocolate cake
The scientists from the University of Central Florida (USA) published their study results in the journal "Journal of the Association for Consumer Research". A total of 185 students participated in the investigation. The subjects could choose between a chocolate cake and fruit salad. The chosen one was then consumed in a room with or without a mirror. According to nutritional psychologists, the presence made no difference to those who opted for fruit salad. For the cake eaters, however, very well.

Discomfort increases with self-examination
Ata Jami, the scientist responsible for the study, said "": "Looking in the mirror tells people more than just their physical appearance. It allows them to see themselves objectively. "The look would help people to compare and match their behavior with socially correct standards. If you fall outside these standards, you do not want to look in the mirror because it increases the discomfort of the offense. An appropriately placed mirror thus helps to grab fruit rather than chocolate. And if you choose junk food, you eat less of it.

Eat with a fork instead of a spoon
In order to lose weight with this method, it is necessary that you have selected the food yourself and thus feel responsible, what landed on the plate, the researchers report. This is also a good argument against bought fast food and cooking for your own. Homemade food tastes best anyway, as a recent study by scientists from Germany and Switzerland revealed. In addition to viewing in the mirror, crockery and cutlery also influence how much you eat. According to the US scientists should be dispensed with special plates and eaten with a fork instead of a spoon. It is said that the test takers who ate the spoon believed that they consumed fewer calories than the fork-eating group. However, the crucial part of the study was the mirror. (Ad)