People who buy organic live healthier lives

People who buy organic live healthier lives / Health News

Eco is healthy: people who buy a lot of organic life, according to a study, also healthier.

(21.06.2010) People who like to shop in the health food store are also healthier. It is above all the habits that make up the health factor. Researchers from the Max-Rubner-Institute for Nutrition and Food Research (MRI) showed by means of a study, what it is.

While environmental and health conscious people used to be called "ecos", today more and more people are living according to these principles. Organic buyers live much healthier, according to a scientific study by the Max Rubner Institute for Nutrition and Food Research. Crucial, however, is not necessarily the regular shopping in the reform or organic market, but rather the fundamental philosophy of life. Because organic food does not necessarily have to be fundamentally healthier. In fact, "organic buyers" eat less meat and sausages, rarely drink sugary drinks such as sodas, exercise more and exercise. In addition, they smoke less often. In their study, the researchers from Karlsruhe evaluated the data of the National Nutrition Study and found a connection between the purchase of organic food and lifestyle. In addition to the healthy diet, organic buyers would also know more about a health-conscious diet on average, according to the director of the Institute for Nutritional Behavior, Ingrid Hoffmann.

The study interviewed 20,000 people on their diet and lifestyle. Most buyers in health food stores can be found in the age group of 35 to 50 years of age. Women are in the majority, young people and pensioners rarely buy in organic or Refomhäusern.

A healthy diet is, if one eats little meat and sausage products and a lot of fruits and vegetables. The recommendations of the German Nutrition Society also suggest eating little sugar and drinking little sodas. Organic buyers tend to pay more attention to such recommendations on average than others. As a result, health-conscious "ecos" improve their nutrient balance immensely. About eighty percent of organic buyers do not smoke, compared to 70 percent of non-ecosystems. About two-thirds of the organic buyers regularly exercise, while the group of non-organic buyers only do half of their sports. Also, ecos are on average leaner than others. Thus, the proportion of normal weight is 45 percent, for non-organic buyers, the proportion is 37 percent.

But many people are denied a health-conscious diet in the health food store. For health food is for the most part also more expensive, than "normal" food. So the study also found out that shop in the health food stores especially the upper social classes. Diet, health and lifestyle is also a question of the purse. (Sb)