More cashiers pay for professional teeth cleaning

More cashiers pay for professional teeth cleaning / Health News

More and more health insurance companies subsidize professional teeth cleaning


A careful oral hygiene is the first requirement for beautiful, intact teeth and a fresh breath. For the best possible dental care you should not just get used to daily brushing. The professional cleaning of teeth has long been a feat that only the private health insurance companies offer their insured. It should, according to many dentists, good against tooth decay and gingivitis prevent. The treatment removes dental plaque and cleans the interdental spaces. After the teeth have been polished, the enamel is finally strengthened with fluorine.

Three quarters of the tested health insurance companies give grants
A study published on Tuesday by the journal "Finanztest" showed that more than three-quarters of the total of 85 tested health insurances subsidize this special dental care. That's much more than a year ago, explained Stiftung Warentest. The grants vary from one health insurance fund to another, ranging from ten euros to the full cost of the treatment, which is billed as Individual Health Benefit (IGeL). The treatment is intended to prevent tooth decay and periodontal disease.

Every second cashier pays the professional teeth cleaning. Picture: Kzenon - fotolia

Between 35 and 120 euros per session must be paid
Patients have to pay between 35 and 120 euros per session for treatment. But not every health insurance company gives you the freedom of choosing which dentist to clean. At the Barmer, technicians and the DAK, the insured must visit the dentists, while the contributors of the 41 other tested health insurance companies can have the treatment performed by their usual dentist and then only need to submit the bill. The extent to which the health insurance companies pay extra for dental care can be seen on most of the website.

The BKK Braun Gillette, for example, reimburses 65 euros once a year. In general, adult health insurance companies pay twice a year for a detailed examination and once a year for the removal of tartar. At the beginning of 2014, the detailed test "Subsidies for dental cleaning of statutory health insurances" will be published in the magazine "Finanztest". (Fr)

Picture: Heike