More teenagers under treatment for depression
More teenagers due to depression in inpatient treatment
In Germany, more and more children and adolescents are receiving inpatient treatment for depression. The reasons could be found among others in higher performance requirements in the school.
Rise not alone explained by improved diagnostics
In Germany, more and more adolescents and children are being treated for depression. As reported by the news agency dpa, the Federal Statistical Office counted around 2,140 cases in 2000 in which adolescents were receiving inpatient care for this mental illness. But twelve years later there were already 12,567 teenagers. The child and adolescent psychologist Prof. Martin Holtmann from the University Hospital Hamm told the German Press Agency that this increase can not be explained solely by an improved diagnosis and stigmatization of the disease. Depression could also benefit from higher school performance and changes in the family image.
Depression in adolescence is often overlooked
However, according to medical experts, childhood and adolescent depression is often overlooked. Typical symptoms, such as listlessness, lack of concentration, lack of self-confidence or psychosomatic problems are often considered to be associated with puberty. Experts advise parents to seek professional help if their offspring's physical symptoms include persistent headaches, weight loss, or sleep disturbances. Depression can usually be treated on an outpatient basis. Only in serious indications such as the risk of suicide experts recommend to a hospital stay. (Ad)
Picture: Anne Garti