More women with fear of crowded rooms
Agoraphobia: fear of public places or crowded spaces
Overcrowded rooms and public spaces cause anxiety and panic attacks in some people, which are known in the professional world as agoraphobia. For the most part, the symptoms first appear between the ages of 20 and 30, with women being affected about twice as often as men, explained Christa Roth-Sackenheim of the Professional Association of German Psychiatrists (BVDP)..
Colloquially, claustrophobia is generally understood as claustrophobia, but here the symptoms point in the opposite direction to the psychological understanding of words. While claustrophobia (psychological space anxiety) focuses on the fear of being locked up or being present in confined or confined spaces, agoraphobia patients tend to shy away from public places. Here, the fear of not being able to get to safety in the event of a dangerous situation prevails. Just the thought of the situation can put the agoraphobiker in fear with physical symptoms such as palpitations, chest pain, dizziness or feelings of suffocation, reports Christa Roth-Sackenheim from the BVDP to the news agency „DAPD“.
Panic attacks and physical discomfort result in claustrophobia
The expert of the professional association of German psychiatrists, fear „Agoraphobiker certain situations“, such as staying on „public places or in crowded crowded areas or transport.“ Even the thought of the situation can trigger panic attacks among those affected. The idea of being far from safe places or people is as unbearable for many claustrophobic patients as limiting their freedom of movement. According to the expert, women are significantly more affected than men. As Christa Roth-Sackenheim explained, agoraphobia is usually limited to certain triggers, but at the same time, a panic disorder can develop that does not only occur in specific situations or circumstances.
Anxiety attacks of agoraphobia relatively easily treatable
Not rare „Also feelings of alienation, such as an abnormal perception of the environment or even to yourself - so your own thoughts, the body feeling and self-perception - it“ Expression of agoraphobia, explained Roth-Sackenheim. On average, the anxiety attacks last about 30 minutes, with the physical symptoms can cause significant problems for those affected. However, according to Roth-Sackenheim, agoraphobia is usually relatively treatable. Behavior therapy based on the basic principle of confrontation with anxiety-causing situations is usually the treatment of choice. This type of confrontation with the specific situations is accompanied, among other things, by talking therapies as well as the learning of relaxation exercises and individual stress management strategies. After completing the treatment, patients are largely able to face the initial anxiety-provoking situations without suffering the earlier panic attacks with the different physical symptoms. (Fp)
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Picture: Gerd Altmann / Carlsberg1988