More depressed teens in the hospital

More depressed teens in the hospital / Health News

More depressed children and adolescents in the hospital


The DAK reports an increase in inpatient hospital stays of 10 to 20 years old with the diagnosis of depression. Reason for that is u.a. an increased sensitivity in the population for mental suffering in this age group. However, the German Society for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry demands a more sophisticated analysis of insurance data.

The number of children and adolescents coming to the hospital with depression has steadily increased over the past decade. In the years between 2004 to 2012, the number had tripled.

DAK statements misleading?
Many mental symptoms that are considered to be typical features of depression may, according to DAK health assessment, also be "normal components" of adolescent self-discovery. These included extreme mood swings, aggressive behavior and declining school performance. However, if physical symptoms such as persistent headache, weight loss and sleep disturbances occur, parents should seek professional help.

Opinion by professional society
The German Society for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry corrects these statements. It is important to recognize the depressive symptoms, especially in puberty, in good time and not as „normal components of adolescent self-discovery“ to trivialize.

Parents should definitely seek clarification and advice, because the statement in the DAK statement regarding physical symptoms of depression is false and misleading. The core symptoms of depression are also an urgent need to seek professional help.

The DAK data would show that the severity of the depressive disorder in adolescents is increasingly recognized, and depending on the severity of the disease, the well-chosen inpatient treatment is selected. (Pm)