Doctors in court Doctor should have performed drug tests on children

Doctors in court Doctor should have performed drug tests on children / Health News
A physician practicing medicine in Fulda should have treated numerous children with a non-approved flu medicine. Since Tuesday, the 67-year-old physician must now answer before the Fulda district court. As the "Berliner Kurier" reported, he was accused by the prosecutor of fraud and attempted assault in 75 cases.
Just under € 73,000 for scientific surveys

A pediatrician from Petersberg (Hesse) is suspected to have treated dozens of his small patients in a study with a non-approved flu medicine. As the "courier" reports, a pharmaceutical company had offered the physician 72,800 euros for scientific surveys. "It was about a seasonal flu vaccine that was already approved for adults. Whether he is also suitable for children, should be examined in a test phase, "said the district court spokesman Simon Trost to the newspaper. The 67-year-old defendant, as chief investigator, had committed to handing over diaries to parents for this survey, which should document the children's response to the vaccine, Trost continued.

Picture: SENTELLO - fotolia

Elten apparently had no knowledge
But apparently this did not go as planned: As the prosecution points out, it was not the parents but the pediatrician who had filled out the necessary documents - and that with fictitious data. The manufacturer itself had set the case in motion after he had become suspicious of the analysis of the 152 protocols from the years 2008 to 2010. "The man denied the process kick-off to have injected the vaccine at all," said Trost.

Now the physician has to answer before the district court for fraud, in addition to an indictment of the prosecutor for attempted assault. Because the man is accused of having treated the more than 150 children without the knowledge of the parents with the flu medication, the newspaper continues.

Healthy children are not among the risk groups
The vaccine against seasonal influenza repeatedly causes discussions among parents and health experts. Many mothers and fathers ask themselves every year again the question "Is a flu vaccine useful?"

Children are considered to be the main carriers because they can quickly spread the disease through their diverse social contacts in kindergarten, school, etc. For the small patients, the flu vaccine is now even possible via a nasal spray, but critics repeatedly refer to possible side effects such. Redness, shivering and tiredness. The Standing Committee on Vaccination (STIKO) recommends vaccination primarily to the elderly, to chronically ill patients with underlying conditions such as Diabetes, medical staff and pregnant women. For healthy children, adolescents and adults under the age of 60, however, it is "not explicitly recommended," as influenza usually causes no serious complications in these populations, according to the STIKO. (No)