Medical gonorrhea can no longer be treated with drugs in the future?

Medical gonorrhea can no longer be treated with drugs in the future? / Health News

Some pathogens are developing more and more drug resistance
The sexually transmitted infection gonorrhea (gonorrhea) may soon be untreatable, according to British head physician Professor Dame Sally Davies in an open letter. The physician warned in the letter all doctors and pharmacists, after a new resistant strain of the disease was discovered in the UK.

If we no longer have the opportunity to treat certain illnesses with drugs, it will be very difficult for us to help those affected and prevent further spread of the infection, according to the British head physician. In Leeds now a strain of the disease gonorrhea has been discovered, which is already resistant to some drugs.

British medical experts warn against the spread of a resistant gonorrhea pathogen. (Image: viperagp /

Infection with antibiotic-resistant gonorrhea is spreading rapidly
In March, medical professionals in Leeds, England found a strain of gonorrhea that is resistant to the antibiotic azithromycin. The pathogens continued to spread and soon illnesses were observed in patients from Macclesfield, Oldham and Scunthorpe. In a letter, Professor Davies now warned all primary care physicians and pharmacists of the infection. Gonorrhea is due to the continued emergence of antibiotic resistance to becoming an untreatable disease, said the physician to the broadcaster "BBC". The disease quickly developed resistance to new antibiotics. There are only a few alternatives to the currently recommended treatment options. Keith Ridge in the letter.

Many people with gonorrhea do not notice any symptoms
Almost 35,000 cases of gonorrhea occurred in England alone last year. This disease is the second most common bacterial, sexually transmitted infection in the UK - after chlamydia. The majority of sufferers are under the age of 25 years. Infected people often suffer from water pain, but about ten percent of men and almost half of all affected women do not notice any symptoms at all. If left untreated, gonorrhea can lead to serious complications such as infertility or, in rare cases, blood poisoning can even develop, the physicians warned against "BBC". The fear of incurable strains of gonorrhea is growing and already in 2012 the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control warned against drug-resistant forms of infectious disease that have already spread across Europe.

Gonorrhea mutates and develops new resistances
The research is in full swing and a number of cases of antibiotic-resistant gonorrhea are currently being observed across the UK, Dr. Andrew Lee of Public Health England vs. BBC. However, the infected people have so far been effectively treated with alternatives to antibiotics. The researchers are aware that the bacterium that is responsible for the development of gonorrhea, is able to mutate and then develop new resistance. The infection with gonorrhea could be prevented if condoms were used in all new sexual partners. In addition, people with high risk should be regularly examined by doctors, said the doctors. "Public Health England" will continue to monitor the spread of antibiotic resistance and ineffective gonorrhea therapies. To ensure that vulnerabilities are identified immediately and effective treatment methods can be derived, the doctors added.