Medicine plant extract of violets helps against MS

Medicine plant extract of violets helps against MS / Health News
Violet extract is effective against multiple sclerosis
Against multiple sclerosis a plant active substance, which can be isolated for example from coffee, pumpkin and above all Violet plants, shows a surprisingly clear effect. Scientists at the Freiburg University Hospital have already successfully tested the so-called cyclotide in mice, and a clinical study on humans is currently in preparation.

Multiple Sclerosis is a relatively common disorder of the nervous system that is not curable so far. "The pop singer Howard Carpendale has the disease and also the Rhineland-Palatinate Prime Minister Malu Dreyer: Around 130,000 people in Germany suffer from multiple sclerosis or short MS," said the University of Freiburg. The chronic inflammatory autoimmune disease of the central nervous system is characterized by a destruction of the insulating layer of nerve cells.

The destruction of the insulating layer of nerve cells in multiple sclerosis may be stopped with a plant drug. (Image: ag visual /

Disease with many faces
By mistake, a certain type of white cell cell, the T cells, attacks the insulating layer of nerve cells in MS patients. This can lead to different complaints. Often, "the illness makes itself noticeable at the beginning with palpation and visual disturbances", explains Dr. med. Carsten Gründemann, senior biologist of the working group natural medicine at the institute for environmental medicine and hospital hygiene of the university hospital Freiburg. In the later course of the disease, more gait disturbances due to cramps or lack of strength were also observed. "Depending on which area of ​​the nervous system is particularly affected, different symptoms are noticeable," continues the statement from the University Hospital. From this follows also the designation "illness with many faces".

So far very limited therapeutic options
Typical for the course of MS is the gradual worsening of the condition of those affected. Although there are some therapeutic options to delay the course of the disease and alleviate the symptoms, but the prospect of recovery, the affected have not yet. However, the researchers at the University Hospital Freiburg have, with their current studies, raised the hope that the disease process may possibly be stopped in future with the help of the plant compound cyclotide.

Excessive immune reactions are stopped
Cyclotide is a ring-shaped active ingredient that can be obtained from plants such as coffee, pumpkin and violet plants. "Traditional medicine has always used appropriate plant extracts for joint complaints," reports Dr. med. Gründemann. However, it was not known for a long time how the extracts work. Just a few years ago, Gründemann, together with scientists around Dr. Christian Gruber of the MedUni Vienna has shown that cyclotide stops the formation of T cells and thus stops excessive immune reactions.

Successful first attempts
In further investigations, the scientists tested the influence of the molecule on the immune system. They rebuilt the molecule in the laboratory and checked its effect. The researchers found that natural cyclotide alone is effective in topical applications, but by no means strong enough for the treatment of multiple sclerosis. "That's why we changed the molecule in the lab a little bit and were able to significantly increase its potency," explains Dr. med. Gründemann. The results of the experiments on cell cultures were quite convincing and so the research team of the Freiburg University Hospital together with colleagues from Austria, Australia and Sweden investigated whether the active substance also brings the desired success in mice with MS.

Clinical studies on humans required
In the experiments on mice, the symptoms have improved significantly after a single dose of the drug, Dr. Gründemann. In addition, the effect was also detectable at a very early stage of the disease when first neurological disorders occurred. This indicates that it may be possible to significantly increase the time intervals between attacks or even completely stop the disease. In further investigations now the effect and safety of Zyklotid in humans should be examined. The Freiburg and Austrian scientists have already patented their application together and have already granted a license for the further development of the drug to the Swedish company Cyxone. "Initial patient examinations are planned in about two years"; reports the University Hospital Freiburg. (Fp)