Medical myth? Prefer not to eat anything before swimming?

Medical myth? Prefer not to eat anything before swimming? / Health News
Health Myth: Do not go to the pool with your stomach full?
A portion of French fries is an integral part of the outdoor swimming visit for many people. But again and again parents warn their children: "But not with a full belly into the water." The news agency "dpa" went to the health myth to the bottom and spoke with Bernd Wolfarth, head of the Department of Sports Medicine Charité Berlin, on the subject.

No health hazard through full stomach while swimming
Summer, sun, beach and sea or rather the bathing lake or the outdoor pool? When the temperatures rise, the cool water provides a pleasant cooling. But while swimming, some rules should be followed. This is true of the German Life-Rescue Society (DLRG), especially when bathing in lakes. In this way, jumps into the unknown should be avoided and areas of the lake should be avoided with technical equipment, bridges or rocks.

However, it seems different with the warning not to swim with a full stomach. According to Wolfarth, there is no immediate health risk when bathing shortly after a meal. "There is no direct correlation between stomach cramps and swimming," explains the expert. Anyone who goes into the water for a helping of chips must therefore "not fear any medical consequences". However, Wolfarth points out that "the body is charged twice after a meal". He is busy digesting the food and at the same time has to stay afloat. "Then it can be natural that you feel tired and sluggish." But the possibly unpleasant feeling is not necessarily harmful to health.

Nevertheless, Wolfarth recommends taking a break before a swim after a sumptuous meal. Otherwise, you can not feel properly fit and thereby promote an increased risk of accidents. "You should just listen to yourself," advises the doctor. "If you feel good, you can also go for a helping of chips." (Ag)

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Picture: Paulwip