Medicine Baby comes pregnant in the world

Medicine Baby comes pregnant in the world / Health News

Newborn girl is coming „pregnant“ to the world


In China, a girl was born, even with twins „pregnant“ was. This medical phenomenon, „Fetus in foeto“ called, is extremely rare. Experts still puzzle over the possible causes.

Girl born with twins in the stomach
The English „Mirror“ reports a small medical sensation that occurred in Hong Kong, China. There was in the „Queen Elizabeth Hospital“ a girl born with twins in her stomach. At the age of only three weeks, the infant had to undergo an operation in which the fetuses were removed. The twins had reportedly already arms, legs, spine, thorax and internal organs trained. In addition, they were already wrapped in skin and had an umbilical cord. They weighed only 14.2 and 9.3 grams.

In one of 500,000 births
The little girl was discharged from the clinic eight days after the successful operation. This medical phenomenon, „Fetus in foeto“ According to experts, statistically worldwide, one in every 500,000 births occurs. However, there are only 200 documented cases so far. The gynecology expert dr. According to Yu Kai-man from the Hong Kong University of China, this is the first such case in the metropolis. „We did not notice it during the preliminary medical examination. Since the embryos in the baby were so small, they could hardly be detected“, Yu explained loudly „“. „Since the little girl could not possibly have conceived this 'pregnancy' herself, we must assume that the fertilization in this case was simply faulty and ended up in the wrong place.“

Doctors are not sure about the causes
In the current issue of the specialist magazine „Hong Kong Medical Journal“ will be reported about the case. Physicians around the world are not sure how to make such mistakes in development. In the case of the Hong Kong girl, the doctors suspect that it may have to do with several maternal abortions. A case in Europe became known years ago. In 2008, a six-centimeter-long fetus was removed from the belly of a nine-year-old girl in Greece. This was reportedly partially differentiated, with long hair, spine and eyes. (Ad)

Picture: Martin Büdenbender