Media reports make you sick

Media reports make you sick / Health News

Study: Media reports make you ill


Reports on health hazards can lead to disease symptoms, even if there is no reason to do so. This was the result of a recent study.

The study focused on the phenomenon of electromagnetic hypersensitivity. Here, sufferers respond to electromagnetic waves such as Cell phone radiation with discomfort. The authors wanted to analyze the influence of media reports on symptom development.

Strong symptoms through documentary
In the study, subjects were shown a television report. Part of the participants watched a documentary about the health hazards of mobile and Wi-Fi signals. The other part saw a report on the security of Internet and mobile data.

Subsequently, all subjects were exposed to a WLAN beacon signal. Although there was no radiation at all, some subjects developed typical disease symptoms. The study authors come to the conclusion: “But the expectation of injury can actually cause pain or discomfort, (...).” However, the study also shows to what extent media reports can influence the health of the population. (Pm)

Picture: Günther Gumhold