MDS report More and more patients affected by treatment errors

MDS report More and more patients affected by treatment errors / Health News
Number of confirmed errors increases compared to the previous year
Whether in orthopedics, gynecology or dentistry: in the past year there were more cases of confirmed treatment errors. As reported by the medical service of the Kassen-Spitzenverband (MDS), the number of confirmed errors increased from 3,796 in 2014 to 4,046. Many of the momentous cases could have been avoided from the expert's point of view.

250 more confirmed cases than in 2014
In local doctors' offices and hospitals, apparently more patients have become victims of a treatment error. In 2015, a total of 14,828 suspected cases reported by patients were reviewed by the Medical Services of the Health Insurance (MDK), compared to 165 fewer the previous year, according to a recent MDS report. The number of confirmed errors also increased from 3,796 to 4,046, which corresponds to an increase of 250 cases.

The current annual statistics of the treatment error assessment shows that there were more reproaches from patients in the past year. (Image: Stasique /

Orthopedics and trauma surgery lead the ranking
7,693 allegations were directly related to the treatment in the operating room, which confirmed in almost every fourth case, the information of the MDS. "Since the enactment of the Patient Rights Act three years ago, there has been a sustained upward trend. Compared to the previous year, the number of allegations and thus the demand for expert opinions of the MDK has increased again slightly, "said Dr. Stefan Gronemeyer, Chief Physician and Vice-Director of MDS, according to the announcement.

With regard to the subject areas, the majority of the accusations relate to orthopedics and trauma surgery, followed by internal and general medicine as well as general surgery (11 percent each) and dentistry (9 percent). In another seven percent of the gynecology was affected, five percent were directed to the field of care.

Wide range of diseases and treatment measures affected
"However, a high number of allegations does not suggest a high number of actual treatment errors. Rather, the number reflects whether the patient can recognize for himself whether the treatment outcome meets his expectations or not. Astrid Zobel, Chief Physician of the MDK Bavaria, quoted in the message. If you look at the mistakes after where they happened, according to the report, surgical treatment also leads the ranking list with 31 percent, followed by the findings at 25 percent and care at 9 percent. In 150 cases this was the diagnosis "dental caries", in 130 cases it was "knee joint wear". According to Zobel, the statistics would show a broad spectrum in spite of the significant accumulation: "The errors found affect hundreds of different diseases and treatment measures," the expert continued.

"The mistakes we register are the tip of an iceberg," said Stefan Gronemeyer to the news agency "dpa". Because around 12,000 patients would have additionally complained to the medical profession. Here are 2,132 errors have been found, also was not known how many complaints would continue to be directed directly to courts, lawyers or insurance companies. From the perspective of experts, the estimated total number could therefore amount to 40,000 complaints.

More than 70 times, patients suffer from avoidable pressure ulcers
According to the MDS, there are many ways of avoiding mistakes, but they have to deal with the damage and the errors that cause it. "Errors can be in omission or action. 51 percent of the errors were caused by a necessary medical intervention either not at all or too late ", explains Dr. med. Max Skorning, Head of Patient Safety at MDS. According to the MDS expert, in 49 percent of the cases "a treatment was poorly implemented" or "a little sensible, sometimes even a contraindicated measure". By avoidable errors, according to the statistics, for example, 71 times in the clinic came to severe pressure ulcers in patients, 35 times in an operation, such as. Swab remained in the body.

In view of these results, the Green Health expert Maria Klein-Schmeink called on the coalition to take legal action to avoid treatment errors. "For this, it requires a nationwide monitoring by an independent body and a binding Fehlerelde- and prevention system," the politician told the "dpa". Eugen Brysch, board member of the German Foundation for Patient Protection, also called on the legislator to introduce a central error register for treatment. (No)