Tired and unpowered That helps against the winter blues

Tired and unpowered That helps against the winter blues / Health News
Shorter, darker days: measures against the winter blues
Short days, gray skies, low temperatures: The cold months lead to chronic tiredness and listlessness in some people. The desire to not leave the bed or the couch is often great. But there are also ways to better cope with the "winter blues".

Gray days are depressing
They have long been back, the short days that make it still dark on the way to work in the morning and on the way home again. This is only the least without a trace. The gray, cold days lead in many people to chronic fatigue and listlessness, in the worst case even to a winter depression. But there are ways to get along better with the so-called "winter blues". Among other things, exercise and sensible nutrition can help.

Cold, gray days in the fall and winter months ensure that many people are tired and impotent. Against this "winter blues" it helps to move and nourish healthy. (Image: kichigin19 / fotolia.com)

Every fourth German citizen affected
"It's getting cooler, it's getting darker - many are experiencing that as being debilitating," said Iris Hauth in a message from the dpa news agency. According to the president of the German Society for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, Psychosomatics and Neurology (DGPPN), every fourth German citizen suffers from impairments in the winter.

In addition, several studies showed that "two to five percent of the population, including more women than men, regularly develop seasonal depression in the fall." Some need medical attention.

January and February are the worst
But the worst is yet to come. The seasonal upset usually increases in January and February, when the cold draws long. In March, she often cuts off on her own.

Although people with a common depression often suffer from loss of appetite, winter depressives have cravings for sweets, carbohydrates and a higher need for sleep. "This leads back to the lack of light," said Hauth. According to the expert, this leads to a higher release of the sleep hormone melatonin, which controls the day-night rhythm.

Presumably, the neurotransmitter serotonin is also involved in winter depression. The body converts to the production of melatonin serotonin, which decreases serotonin levels. This has an influence on the mood and makes you hungry for sweets and carbohydrates.

Fresh air and daylight
It makes sense to always come back to the fresh air and the daylight. This also stimulates the circulation, activates body cells and can strengthen the immune system. One hour of exercise a day is enough. Sport is also advisable. If necessary, a light therapy with special lamps from 2,500 to 10,000 lux helps. This also works according to a study in non-seasonal depression. Scandinavians and Icelanders have had good experiences during the long darkness in their homeland.

Sufficient hydration and healthy food
Other tips against the winter blues: Absolutely pay attention to adequate fluid intake. Because in addition to sport and light, water also helps to reduce symptoms such as tiredness and lack of motivation.

In addition, the food plays an important role in how fit or tired people feel. Local vegetables like cabbage and co can help keep you fit in winter. In general, the diet should not contain too much fat. In addition, alternating showers are recommended to boost the circulation. (Ad)