Tired eyes doing exercises to relax
Tired Eyes - Simple exercises to relax
Our eyes are in constant use every day. The daily work on the computer screen particularly stresses the visual organ. In some people, the persistent look leads to eye burning and eye pain. With short relaxation exercises in between at the desk, the strain can be counteracted. Special utensils are not needed for this. This is also recommended by the Kuratorium Gut Sehen (KGS) in Berlin. It advises to direct the view into the distance. There are a lot of tips and exercises on this topic. In the following, we have put together four quick exercises recommended by the KGS and the AOK to give you a clear view again.
Darken and warm
By simply rubbing the palms together, which are then placed on the closed eyes, a relaxation can be quickly and easily bring about. The heat triggers this effect and the simultaneous deep inhaling and exhaling relieves the eyes and relaxes the body. Beforehand, a comfortable sitting position should be taken at the table.
Yawning shows effect
Yawning can easily and effectively initiate moistening and eye cleansing. When yawning, the eyes fill up with tears reflexively. Eyes become wet and burning eyes just disappear again. In addition, the facial muscles relax and the oxygen supply is increased. Just repeat until enough fluid has collected in the eyes.
To look into the distance
In this exercise you direct your gaze away from the screen, possibly out of the window, at five different objects. These should all be at different distances and each sighted for a few seconds. This exercise brings the inner and outer eye muscles in motion and the flexibility of the eye lens is promoted. An ideal exercise that, in contrast to office work, focuses predominantly on nearby objects, freeing the muscles of their constant tension.
eye massage
According to the KGS, in this exercise, you simply lean back in the office chair and close your eyes. With two fingers, the skin on the eyebrows is slightly pinched and the fingers simultaneously stroke from the inside to the outside. This massage causes the fastest noticeable relaxation of the eyes in many people. Optionally, even with the two middle fingers a uniform circular motion can be performed on the forehead.
How long these exercises should last is different. Depending on how tired the eyes are, they should be repeated until a relaxation has set in. (Fr)
Image: Jorma Bork