Massive dandruff multiplication by specific bacteria

Massive dandruff multiplication by specific bacteria / Health News
Scientists are studying influencing factors in dandruff
Everybody regularly loses scalp scales, which, however, are usually tiny and therefore hardly recognizable. But if they are overly strong, they can become a real torture. They can cause severe itching, as well as the scales on dark clothing in the form of fine white "snow" for everyone to see immediately. Chinese scientists have studied various factors influencing dandruff, possibly finding a solution for those affected. The results have now been published in the scientific journal "Scientific Reports". released.

Small horn tiles usually have no disease value
Dandruff are usually harmless and only in rare cases indicate a skin disease such as atopic dermatitis or a bran fungus. Nevertheless, the small horn tiles can become a real problem if they are pronounced and therefore recognizable as "snow" on shoulders and back. However, Chinese researchers may now have found a way to help sufferers, news agency dpa reports..

Certain bacteria on the scalp may possibly be responsible for severe dandruff. (Image: artem_goncharov /

Researchers are studying microorganisms of the scalp
According to research by Zhijue Xu from Shanghai Jiao Tong University, a study of 59 men and women examined how various factors influence dandruff. The subjects were divided into two groups: one suffered from dandruff, the other had no problems. After all participants had not washed their hair for two days, the scientists took swabs from the scalp to determine microorganisms and the amount of sebum and water.

People with strong dandruff produce less sebum
Zhijue Xu and his team came to an interesting conclusion: people who produced less sebum had more dandruff than those with more active sebaceous glands. In addition, it was found that in the case of dander plagues fewer propionibacteria were present on the scalp, but more staphylococci. However, a connection between dandruff and fungi on the scalp could not be identified. Therefore, it can be assumed that the balance between the bacteria could influence the expression of the dandruff: "We found that dandruff was linked to the interactions between the host and the microorganisms on the human scalp," the researchers said in their article , If the staphylococci were targeted, the dandruff problem could possibly be reduced or even completely eliminated.

Nettles help naturally
Help can also provide various home remedies for dandruff. For example, with greasy scales and headache, it may be useful to mix mild shampoo with a tablespoon of lemon juice and to wash your hair as normal. Even a cure from nettles has proven itself with dandruff. For this, pour a handful of fresh or dried nettle leaves with half a liter of boiling fruit vinegar and leave to soak for about ten minutes. Then peel off the leaves and gently massage the mixture into the scalp. (No)