Massive criticism of the market withdrawal of insulin degludec

Massive criticism of the market withdrawal of insulin degludec / Health News
Techniker Krankenkasse criticizes the decision of the pharmaceutical company Novo Nordisk
After the Federal Joint Committee (G-BA) had not recognized any added benefit in the basal insulin degludec (trade name Tresiba) and the arbitration board had set the reimbursement price correspondingly low, the manufacturer Novo Nordisk decided without further ado for a market withdrawal. From the side of the Techniker health insurance now came sharp criticism of this decision. About 40,000 patients would be forced to adjust to a new insulin preparation, which could bring significant problems, reports the Techniker Krankenkasse (TK).

The pharmaceutical manufacturer Novo Nordisk and the G-BA had long argued about the evaluation of the insulin preparation, until at the end of the arbitration board turned arbitration, which remained at the reimbursement price far below the demands of the manufacturer. As a result, Novo Nordisk announced the market withdrawal for the end of September. An incomprehensible procedure for the TK CEO Dr. Ing. Jens Baas. "The people in charge at Novo Nordisk knew the legal framework and they knew that their preparation had no added value," Baas alleged. It is incomprehensible that only with the help of pharmaceutical consultants and marketing, the market goes wide, many people adjust to the product and the product is now taken off the market again.

Tens of thousands of diabetics will have to switch to a new drug in the coming months. (Image: Monkey Business /

Uncertainty of patients and doctors
"Patients and doctors are greatly unsettled by this irresponsible behavior," said the critic of the TK CEO. In addition, the patients could not easily be switched to a new drug. The change to a new insulin is often much more difficult than switching to other medicines. For example, the pre-filled pens are different in handling and also differ the duration of action in many insulins considerably, which also vary the timing and frequency of use. As a result, around 40,000 diabetic patients may experience additional difficulties until September, which may also pose a health risk.

Support during the conversion
To support the doctors in the conversion of insulin degludec to another drug, the TK offers according to its own information in cooperation with the University of Bremen, a telephone consultation by independent drug experts. Doctors can arrange a recall at 0800 - 285 85 80 52 (toll free within Germany). Also by e-mail to [email protected] can set an appointment, so the message from the health insurance. In addition, TK has recently published a call for tenders for long-acting insulin analogues in the "open-house procedure" in order to permanently ensure the supply of such preparations.

Benefit assessment of insulin degludec negative
The basal insulin degludec had failed in an early benefit assessment by the Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care (IQWiG) according to AMNOG, as no added benefit for patients could be derived from the submitted documents. In addition, the IQWiG found that girls had "greater harm in terms of serious adverse events." Furthermore, insulin degludec would have shown less benefit over the ACT in the treatment of girls, the IQWiG reported in early June. The evaluation of the institute formed the basis for the commenting procedure of the G-BA. (Fp)