Massage heals the injured muscle tissue

Massage heals the injured muscle tissue / Health News

Massage supports the healing of muscle injuries as a new study proved


Massage promotes the healing of exercise-induced muscle injury. Canadian researchers have deciphered the cellular effect of massage on the muscles and thus discovered an explanation for the healing effect of massages on muscle injuries.

Previous studies have already shown that massage treatment for muscle aches can relieve pain and improve healing, said Justin Crane of the Kinesiology Institute at McMaster University in Hamilton and colleagues in the journal „Science Translational Medicine“. Now the Canadian scientists have succeeded in deciphering the underlying cellular processes.

Examination of muscle tissue after strenuous exercise
The researchers around Justin Crane had examined in their study the effect of massages on eleven young men following a strenuous physical training. The subjects completed a cycling training, in which their muscles were brought to the limit of the load capacity. Then both thighs were rubbed with oil and on one leg, the thigh muscles (quadriceps muscle femoris) massaged for ten minutes. As a result of a muscle biopsy, the researchers then took a tissue sample from both thigh muscles and examined it in the laboratory. The same procedure was repeated after two and a half hours.

Reduction of inflammatory values ​​and improved mitochondrial production
In the analysis of muscle tissue Justin Crane and colleagues found that the massage on the one hand could reduce the inflammation of the injured muscle tissue and on the other hand more substances were released, which contribute to the production of mitochondria. The mitochondria play a vital role in the healing processes in injured tissue as tiny power plants of the cells. Also by the „Promotion of mitochondrial biogenesis“ The massage thus contributes to the relief of muscle problems, said the Canadian researchers. Justin Crane and colleagues are convinced that their results prove the benefits of massage „Rehabilitation of skeletal muscle“ deliver. The positive cellular effect of the massage in athletes or people with muscle problems is now clearly resolved, so the conclusion of the scientists.

Massage without influence on the lactic acid in the tissue
The researchers also found that the massage treatments had no effect on lactic acid (lactate) in muscle tissue. The lactate levels were essentially unaffected by the massage. Until recently, it was believed that relief of muscle pain from massage was due to a reduction in lactate in muscle tissue. Because lactic acid was suspected as the cause of muscle soreness. However, most researchers are now convinced that the muscle discomfort after physical stress caused by tiny injuries in the tissue. Regardless of the cause of the muscle pain, however, it can be stated in any case, that in case of injuries of the muscle tissue „Massage therapy as clinically beneficial“ to evaluate, Justin Crane and colleagues write. (Fp)

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Image: Thomas Siepmann