Measles How parents can protect their children

Measles How parents can protect their children / Health News

Measles: How to protect your child


The measles outbreak in Berlin is currently making headlines nationwide after a first death has now been reported. Increasingly widespread is the fear of getting infected. Here you will learn how to protect yourself and your children from measles.

Do not dismiss measles as a childhood disease
In view of the measles wave that is currently rampant in Berlin, more and more people are worried. Not only are there many people suffering from the disease, but also a first death: An infant died after a measles infection. Health experts warn to dismiss the infectious disease as a childhood disease. And politicians argue about a legal vaccination obligation. It is known that the disease is highly contagious. A message from the dpa news agency compiled important information on measles. For example, how to protect yourself and whether a vaccine is still worthwhile.

Infected people are already contagious before the rash
You can get infected very quickly. Through droplets, the viruses are transmitted from person to person, for example when coughing, sneezing or speaking. If a person is not vaccinated against measles, almost every contact leads to infection, even several meters away. It should be noted that infected people are already infectious five days before the typical rash. After influenza-like symptoms such as high fever, cough and runny nose, the rash follows days later and the fever rises again. The rash then disappears after four days.

Serious consequential damage is possible
In general, measles weaken the immune system. As a result, it can come to, among other things, bronchitis, otitis media or pneumonia. In rarer cases also a brain inflammation can be the consequence. Up to 20 percent of those affected die from it. And in almost one-third severe sequelae such as mental disabilities or paralysis remain. Unfortunately, there is no therapy for measles. Only a treatment of the disease symptoms such as fever is possible. Against viral diseases antibiotics are basically ineffective.

You are not immune immediately after the vaccination
People who get vaccinated against measles are not immediately immune to the disease. As Professor Thomas Löscher, Head of the Department of Infection and Tropical Medicine of the University of Munich, explains, according to the agency, it takes about ten to fourteen days. In addition, the expert explains that people who had contact with an infected person can still be vaccinated up to three days later, because there is more chance, but not to fall ill.

Adults should also check vaccination status
There are some rules that apply. So infants should be vaccinated with eleven to 14 months for the first time. If the child is to go to a kindergarten, it can be earlier. Four weeks after the first, the second vaccination can be given and should be given at the age of 15 to 23 months. The Standing Vaccination Commission (STIKO) also recommends that adolescents and adults should check their protection and, if necessary, immunize if unclear. In case of uncertainty, those affected should contact their doctor.

Lifelong protection after illness
Vaccination is usually with a triple vaccine against measles, mumps and rubella (MMR). Only after a double vaccination you are immune to the virus. According to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) is then assumed a lifelong protection. In addition, those who have ever had measles disease are immune to it for the rest of their lives. In recent years, the number of registered measles cases has fluctuated greatly. For example, in 2001 there were more than 6,000 diseases in Germany, only 165 in 2012 and 1,769 in 2013 again. (Ad)

Image: Steffen Bernard, Wiki