Measles vaccine often too late

Measles vaccine often too late / Health News

Kassenärztliche Vereinigung: Many measles vaccinations are delayed


A few days ago scientists from the Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians announced that only about one in three children in Germany is adequately protected from measles. There is a risk of long-term consequences.

Every third child without adequate protection
In Germany, only about every third child is inoculated timely and adequately against measles. This was announced by scientists of the Kassenärztliche Vereinigung a few days ago. Thus, of the 55,000 children examined, only 37 percent received the two measles vaccinations before the second birthday, as recommended by the Standing Vaccination Commission.

Pros and cons vaccination
The publication should further fuel the debate over compulsory vaccination. Federal Health Minister Bahr had initiated such a discussion, as the number of measles illnesses in Germany had increased since the beginning of the year. Since then, more and more pro and con are being discussed.

According to a poll conducted by the polling institute „YouGov“ Many parents explained the lack of measles vaccine protection on the grounds: „For me, this is a childhood disease that you can and must go through.“

Risk of fatal late effects
According to the data of the Kassenärztliche Vereinigung, the vaccination rates were worst in Baden-Württemberg, Bavaria, Berlin and Bremen. In recent weeks, there have been major measles outbreaks in Bavaria and Berlin with a total of 900 people affected. A few days ago was again warned of the risk of fatal sequelae.

Scientists from the University of Würzburg and the Bavarian State Office for Health and Food Safety (LGL) have found out that the risk of fatal sequelae of a measles infection is significantly higher than previously assumed. Especially among one-year-old children are at risk because they are still too young for a vaccine. (Ad)

Also read about measles vaccination:
Measles vaccination: pros and cons arguments
Measles: High risk of fatal late effects
Measles outbreaks are piling up
Naturopaths must report measles cases

Picture credits: Andreas Morlok