Measles vaccination for all? RKI president against

Measles vaccination for all? RKI president against / Health News

Measles vaccination for all? - RKI President is against


For months, especially due to the severe measles in Berlin on a legal compulsory vaccination is discussed. Recently, Federal Health Minister Hermann Gröhe again threatened with vaccination against measles. However, the President of the Robert Koch Institute is against a permanent measles vaccination obligation.

RKI president against permanent measles vaccination obligation
For months Berlin has a severe measles wave under control. Already more than 1,000 people have been infected since October 2014 in the capital, including many adults. Cases of illness were also reported from other federal states. Thus, 150 cases have already been recorded in Saxony, at least 80 cases in Thuringia, especially in Erfurt and in Bavaria 75. The main cause is considered by experts to be low vaccination rates. This is also a reason why for months a fierce debate about a statutory vaccination obligation is conducted. Federal Health Minister Hermann Gröhe (CDU) recently threatened to vaccinate against measles. However, the president of the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), Lothar Wieler, has said, according to a message from the news agency dpa against a permanent measles vaccination obligation.

To encourage voluntary vaccinations
Opposite the Dortmunder „Ruhr news“ said Wieler: „There may be situations in which one thinks about such things temporally and spatially limited.“ To animate voluntary vaccinations is much more useful in the long term. „We need to motivate people to vaccinate and be more active in addressing the population, especially young people and young adults who rarely go to the doctor.“ Germany has insufficient measles vaccination quotas, especially among young adults. „We are far from achieving the goals of the World Health Organization“, explained Wieler. „In Germany, there were 20 times as many new infections last year, as planned for the plans for a gradual eradication of the disease.“

Mandatory vaccination consultation before Kita visit
Minister of Health Gröhe had made it clear that compulsory vaccination is not a taboo. He said to the dpa: „We will debate these issues carefully but consistently in the context of the upcoming parliamentary deliberations on the prevention law and then decide.“ The law initially provides for compulsory vaccination advice before attending a day care center. In addition, with each investigation, the vaccination status should be queried. Gröhe explained that those who deny their child vaccine protection without medical necessity, not only harm their own, but also other children.

Do not dismiss measles as a childhood disease
Health experts warn again against dismissing measles as a harmless childhood disease. Not only children, but also adults could become seriously ill with an infection with the virus. As a rule, a disease starts with fever, conjunctivitis, cold and cough. Due to the weakened immune system, an infection can also lead to complications such as otitis media or pneumonia and sometimes have life-threatening consequences such as meningitis. According to the WHO, a stable vaccination rate of 95 percent of the population would be needed to eliminate the infectious disease. Germany is still a long way from this goal. (Ad)