Marinades while grilling reduce cancer risk

Marinades while grilling reduce cancer risk / Health News

Natural marinades with garlic, thyme and rosemary reduce the risk of crickets when grilling


When grilling caused by the strong heat carcinogenic particles that can change the genetic material lasting and cause cancer in the worst case. At each grilling process, the combustion process of barbecue or charcoal produces amino acids, sugars and muscle creatine, and heterocyclic aromatic amines (HAA) that cause cells to undergo oxidative stress. It is undisputed that this promotes the development of cancer as well as other factors. The amines are produced during frying or grilling ostensibly at temperatures above 190 degrees. When grilling or roasting these temperatures are far exceeded. Marinades should be remedied. Those who insert the meat properly can effectively reduce cancer risks, as cancer researchers currently report.

Research by the German Cancer Research Center in Heidelberg showed that subjects who grilled regularly and consumed a consistently high amount of heterocyclic aromatic amines showed a 50-percent higher risk of polyps. Previous studies have shown that many malignant ulcers are formed from polyps. On the other hand, those who consumed less of the combustion substances also showed a significantly lower tendency to polyp formation. According to the Head of the Department of Epidemiology and Cancer Prevention at the University of Zurich, Dr. med. Sabine Rohrmann, this context can not be explained by the consumption of red meat alone. In addition, strong grilled or seared meat intensifies the negative effect. The longer the meat was exposed to high heat, the more toxic cancerous substances are formed.

Instead of strong heat prefer stews
To protect her own health and to reduce the risk of cancer, the scientist advises to refrain from crickets as far as possible. Instead, be „Stews or other types of preparation“ meaningful, „who manage with a lower heat input“. Not only are the combustibles a health hazard, but also the crust and sausages on the grill. The crust is contaminated during grilling by the toxic substance acrylamide, which forms polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) when liquid drips into the coal embers and evaporates through the embers. According to findings of the cancer researchers, acrylamide and PAH substances are highly carcinogenic.

Do not deglaze with water or beer
If you still grill, you can reduce the risk of cancer by not extinguishing the embers with water or beer. It is also a misconception that the taste suffers because the liquid evaporates very quickly, so that there is no difference in taste in hindsight. Only the length of time in which further toxins form will be prolonged.

Natural marinades develop protective mechanisms
Grill friends can also protect themselves with taste refinements. A good alternative is starch-free marinades. For this purpose, the grilled meat should be inserted the day before in natural spices. Marinades with thyme, rosemary, basil, fresh oregano, onions, parsley and garlic can have an antioxidant effect. According to the physician, a study by the University of Kansas recently came to this conclusion. Because most of these herbs contained very potent antioxidants: carnosic acid, carnosol and rosmarinic acid. In the evidence-based comparison, barbecued pieces of meat contained an average of 87 percent fewer carcinogenic substances (HCAs) in the laboratory than non-pickled steaks. It is important, however, that the marinades do not contain any starch, as otherwise the heat causes harmful acrylamide to form as well. (Sb)

Also read:
Red meat can cause bladder cancer
Danger of cancer: Too much acrylamide in food

Image: Ingo Anstötz