Marijuana remedy helps with certain types of epilepsy

Marijuana remedy helps with certain types of epilepsy / Health News
Marijuana drug helps patients with Lennox-Gastaut syndrome to reduce seizures
A marijuana-based drug once again showed positive results in the treatment of a rare form of childhood epilepsy. The drug, called Epidiolex, reduces the number of seizures in patients with the severe form of epilepsy known as Lennox-Gastaut syndrome.

Marijuana is a plant that is used worldwide as an intoxicant. However, scientists have now discovered in an investigation that a marijuana-based drug also reduces seizures in patients with Lennox-Gastaut syndrome. The physicians of "GW Pharmaceuticals" published a press release on the results of their study.

Most people will only know marijuana as an intoxicant. However, there are also drugs that are based on the plant. Researchers have now found that such a drug helps reduce seizures in epilepsy. (Image: EpicStockMedia /

Epidiolex also helps with Dravet syndrome
While the drug Epidiolex underwent the third phase of the clinical trial, a reduction in seizures was diagnosed in patients with Lennox-Gastaut syndrome, the researchers say. Already in March it could be determined that the same drug also has positive effects on the so-called Dravet syndrome. This is another type of epilepsy for which there has been no official treatment.

Epidiolex reduces seizures by up to 44 percent
Epidiolex reduces the number of seizures in a month by up to 44 percent, say the scientists. In comparison, a placebo only reduces the onset of seizures by 22 percent. If Epidiolex is approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), it would be the first drug of its kind to receive regulatory approval for the treatment of rare childhood epilepsy, says the manufacturer.

Drug contains cannabidiol but no THC
The drug contains one of the active chemicals that are contained in marijuana. This cannabidiol, in contrast to the THC contained in marijuana, causes no feelings of dizziness or euphoria, say the experts. Cannabidiol has been studied in several older studies as a way to relieve pain. Regarding the health risks of general marijuana use, studies have recently concluded that the use of marijuana does not significantly affect physical health.

About 4.3 million people in the world suffer from different types of epilepsy
Epilepsy affects about 4.3 million people around the world. However, the nature of the disease and the types of seizures vary among patients. Not every person with epilepsy reacts to certain treatments the same. Of course, this also applies to treatments with cannabidiol. Not every country in the world supports the use of marijuana to treat certain diseases. In Germany, for example, even doctors against free marijuana on medical certificate.

Physicians want to test whether Epidiolex helps with infantile spasms and tuberous sclerosis
In addition to approving Epidiolex as a treatment for Dravet syndrome and Lennox-Gastaut syndrome, researchers also want to explore the potential treatment of cannabidiol for patients with infantile spasms and tuberous sclerosis disease. Tuberous sclerosis is a genetic disorder that causes the formation of tumors in various organs. These can then cause seizures, the scientists explain. The manufacturing biotech company is also testing how well Epidiolex works in the treatment of other types of epilepsy. The manufacturer hopes that one day Epidiolex will be able to not only reduce the number of seizures, but to stop them completely.

Epidiolex is uniform and has the characteristics of a true pharmaceutical medicine
Although marijuana is partly available on the market in the US, it is still worthwhile obtaining a prescription, for example, if those affected only need cannabidiol, say the doctors. The natural plant is affected by pesticides or fertilizers, the version on prescription will not have these problems, emphasizes Steve Schultz vice president of the biotech company. (As)