Manipulations by PKV representatives

Manipulations by PKV representatives / Health News

Manipulation attempts of an online survey by PKV representatives


According to ARD research, representatives of the private health insurance have tried an online survey of the television magazine „panorama“ on the subject „PKV“ to manipulate. Thus, about 75 percent of the participants to the question of whether the PKV should be maintained, with „Yes“ answered. This amazing result and numerous negative comments have finally led the editors to do more research. Here, the creators fell into the hands of a circular mail, according to the ARD by the head of the insurance company „Jung, DMS & Cie“ had been shipped. The company is one of the largest insurance broker pools in Germany. In the mail sent in bulk Germany insurance brokers (around 10,000) were asked to participate in the vote. The reason for the vote is a topic of the Panorama broadcast: “Private health insurance: Cashed and left alone”. In the broadcast was u.a. reports that older people with private health insurance often can no longer pay their contributions because they are getting higher and higher.

Against the charge of manipulation, the company defends itself. You only have “in the sense of a representative survey (...) gladly contributed to the largest possible number” participate in the survey, as it was said.

A similar appeal was launched by the insurance company „Signal Iduna“. In a „Breaking News“ were the recipients of the „Health Insurance Newsletters“ called to „to position“ and also participate in the survey. After all, that's what it's all about, „now clearly show that PKV is an essential building block of the German health system and that there are no majorities for abolition. Not even in a panorama survey.“

The editorial office „panorama“ was outraged on his own blog. So the editors wrote: „So it looks like the understanding of publicity, independent reporting and free opinion forming in a democratic-pluralistic society, which one has at the Signal Iduna: „Not even“ in a non-representative online survey of a political magazine, yes, a discernible majority against the PKV may come about. Instead, all brokers and employees are encouraged to participate in a manipulative manner - and even with the involvement of their customers against the alleged „negative journalism“ to proceed, - what they did then apparently in a handsome number.“

On demand defended a spokesman for the insurance company Signal Iduna the procedure. So a press spokesman said: „After all, our employees are also citizens and are always interested in the public discussion about private health insurance“.

Debeka sees in coverage „Anti-PKV propaganda“
Meanwhile, the Debeka has the „negative coverage“ rejected via the PKV. Uwe Laue, CEO of Debeka, emphasized: "The contributions tend to decline in old age". At Debeka, 90-year-olds would not have to pay more than 65-year-olds. According to the company, about 40 percent of contributions in early insurance years would go into retirement provision. Corresponding reports are therefore „propaganda“. The offerer has approximately 2.2 million members with a PKV full insurance. (Sb)

Picture: Gerd Altmann / Gerold Meiners