Lack of mineral supply in Germany Lack of vitamin D and iodine

Lack of mineral supply in Germany Lack of vitamin D and iodine / Health News
In Germany, many people have a vitamin D deficiency. Even with iodine, the supply for every third adult is not optimal, the study on adult health in Germany (DEGS) has shown. From 2008 to 2011, blood and urine samples from almost 8,000 participants were evaluated for the first survey wave.

Vitamin D is abundant, e.g. in fatty fish (salmon, herring etc.), eggs, butter and cheese. (Image: bit24 /

The body needs vitamin D especially for bone metabolism. However, according to the current data, every third German with a serum concentration of less than 30 nmol / l 25-hydroxy vitamin D has a deficiency, reports the German Society of Nutrition (DGE). Only just under 40 percent are adequately supplied. The body can produce vitamin D under the influence of UVB light. Therefore, between March and October, you should go to the sun two to three times a week with your face, hands and arms unprotected, and without sunscreen, but without risking sunburn.

Folate is important for cell growth, division and differentiation. Good care is therefore important, especially during pregnancy and in phases of growth. 86% of the adult population are adequately fed with folic acid (at least 4.4 ng / ml). However, the recommended levels for women of childbearing age are not met by most women. If you want to become or could become pregnant, you should take 400 μg of folic acid per day as a preparation in the first trimester of pregnancy so that the unborn child can develop optimally.

Iodine is a vital trace element and, among other things, a component of thyroid hormones. Due to geographical conditions, Germany is an iodine deficient area. For 30 percent of adults, iodine intake is unsatisfactory. One solution, according to DGE, could be the increased use of iodized table salt in the food industry.

The mineral potassium is involved, inter alia, in the regulation of the water balance and conduction through the nerves. An adequate intake is 4,000 mg per day, which is usually achieved. In the case of sodium, the intake is even too high: for the most part, the intake is well above the reference value of 1.5 g per day for an adult. In men, an average of 4.0 g and in women 3.4 g were measured, which corresponds to about 10 g or 9 g of table salt daily. This is questionable because too much table salt increases the risk of hypertension. A maximum of 6 g per day is recommended.

"Those who eat fully and use the variety of food usually absorbs enough nutrients," explains nutritionist Harald Seitz of the Federal Center for Nutrition (BZfE). "Avoid processed products that usually contain a lot of salt." For certain illnesses and special loads, during pregnancy and lactation, in old age and in food intolerances, the intake of dietary supplements may make sense. "Those affected are best advised by a nutritionist or a nutritionist," advises Seitz. Heike Kreutz, bzfe