Magnetic chair helps against incontinence

Magnetic chair helps against incontinence / Health News

If bladder weakness urologists visit


More than five million Germans are suffering from mild to severe incontinence. Out of shame but only a few talk to a urologist about it. The specialists for kidney, urinary bladder, ureter and urethra often not only treat the bladder weakness in both men and women, but in many cases also cure it. With the magnetic chair, for example, patients have a gentle, if still unknown, method of therapy.

„Anyone who suffers from frequent urination should have this clarified by a urologist. Remains residual urine in the bladder, this bacteria provides an ideal breeding ground and often leads to painful inflammation“, clarifies Reinhold Schaefer, Bonn urologist and medical director of the medical network Uro-GmbH North Rhine. Other possible consequences: Renal failure and permanent incontinence. In order to effectively treat pathological urgency, various measures are used. In addition to drug or surgical therapies pelvic floor training is probably the best known method. A similar principle of action also underlies the magnetic chair therapy: „The magnetic chair generates electromagnetic impulses under the seat, which stimulate nerve cells and thereby trigger short, pulsatile muscle contractions of the pelvic floor muscles“, describes Dr. Schaefer the effect. „In this way - similar to the so-called electrostimulation - passively trained the sphincter of the bladder.“ The external contraction aid is primarily used by urologists for the treatment of lower urinary tract dysfunction, particularly in the treatment of hyperactive bladder symptoms with urge incontinence, stress incontinence or mixed incontinence.

„In contrast to electrotherapy, however, no electrode probe has to be inserted into the vagina or rectum. The patient sits fully clothed on the therapy chair while the urologist individually adjusts the intensity of the electromagnetic impulses“, knows Dr. Shepherd. Another advantage of pain-free therapy: many sufferers regain a sense of location and flexibility of the pelvic floor, which makes active pelvic floor training possible again. Studies show that about one third of the patients are symptom free after six weeks and that the symptoms improve significantly in another one third. However, the treatment is not suitable for patients with pacemakers or artificial hip joints made of metal. (Pm)

Picture credits: Michael Ottersbach