Magnesium deficiency can be deadly

Magnesium deficiency can be deadly / Health News


Magnesium is one of the vital trace elements. A defect can be dangerous especially for people with a damaged heart. With them, timely treatment with magnesium can prevent fatal cardiac arrhythmias.

More than 300 biochemical reactions rely on magnesium. It is needed in muscles and nerve cells. The most important task, however, has the mineral in the heart. There it is an activator of numerous enzymes and pumps on the cell membrane that influence the heart action.

Patients with heart problems particularly affected
Especially for people with heart disease therapists should therefore pay attention to an adequate supply of magnesium. If the heart is damaged by constriction of the coronary arteries, a previous heart attack or a weak pump, it may cause chaotic movements of the heart muscle.

How it can come to the defect
Most people consume enough magnesium. A deficiency can occur if not enough magnesium is taken in intestinal diseases - or too high an alcohol intake - or if too much magnesium is lost through the kidneys. It may also be caused by the cardiac remedy Digitalis, as well as by the use of certain antibiotics, antifungals, immunosuppressants, cytotoxic drugs and osteoporosis prevention medicines.

Typical deficiency symptoms
Symptoms that indicate magnesium deficiency include muscle spasms, motor restlessness, increased excitability, rapid fatigue, heart stumbling, poor concentration, depressed mood, and sleep disorders. Source:
W. Vierling et al .: Magnesium deficiency and magnesium therapy for cardiac arrhythmias. DMW German Medical Weekly 2013; 138 (22); Pp. 1165-1171

Image: B. Proud