Anorexia or bulimia Drastic increase in eating disorders

Anorexia or bulimia Drastic increase in eating disorders / Health News
More and more Germans are suffering from eating disorders
In recent years, eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa (anorexia nervosa) and bulimia nervosa (choking addiction) have greatly increased. According to the experts, sufferers should definitely seek medical treatment, because eating disorders can cause serious organic damage and, in the worst case scenario, even fatal.

Number of people with eating disorders has risen sharply
Figures from the past years prove: eating disorders increase drastically. Especially more and more girls are affected. Recent forecasts by Barmer GEK show that the number of people suffering from eating disorders such as anorexia or bulimia has increased nationwide from around 390,000 to around 440,000 between the years 2011 and 2015 (plus about 13 percent).

The number of Germans suffering from eating disorders such as anorexia or bulimia has risen sharply. Many sufferers do not perceive their eating behavior as pathological. (Image: Piotr Marcinski /

Many sufferers do not see their eating behavior as pathological
"We are watching with great concern that more and more people are suffering from eating disorders. Often the sufferers do not perceive their eating behavior as pathological. This is where feedback from parents and friends is needed. " Ursula Marschall, senior physician at the Barmer GEK in a statement from the health insurance.

Correct symptoms correctly
Health experts say eating disorders should be treated quickly, but you need to be able to correctly interpret the symptoms of anorexia or bulimia.

Eating disorders can manifest themselves in very different ways. Anorexia is usually associated with underweight, which is triggered mainly by starvation, but also by vomiting, a lot of sports or laxatives. In most cases, sufferers are very likely to weigh themselves, count calories and panic. Despite underweight they consider themselves too fat.

Bulimia is characterized by binge eating. Concerned persons secretly devour large amounts and then have feelings of guilt and control, for example vomiting, fasting, dieting or doing excessive sports.

Eating disorders are always in the hands of a medical expert team. Because: "In addition to the mental impairments, they can also cause serious organic damage and, in the worst case even fatal," writes the health insurance.

Highest rate of increase in Brandenburg
According to the information last year 9,627 Barmer GEK insured suffered from anorexia. This was 14 percent more than in 2011 (8,442). There has been an increase in the number of cases in all federal states, but above all in the federal states, which still have relatively few affected persons.

In Brandenburg, the rate of increase was highest at just under 55 percent. Most insured Barmer GEK with the diagnosis of anorexia in 2015 was in the heavily populated countries of North Rhine-Westphalia (2,466) and Bavaria (1,308).

Especially for women a serious problem
"In spite of the allegedly low case numbers, anorexia is a very serious problem for women in particular. The number of unreported cases is likely to be many times higher, "says Marschall. Stress, pressure and false role models could make women anorexic.

But there are even more possible reasons why such disruptions occur. For example, British and Swedish scientists have recently reported a study suggesting that eating disorders appear to be dependent on gender distribution in schools. Increasing the proportion of girls in a school has increased the likelihood of eating disorders, according to the researchers. (Ad)