Stomach reductions are increasingly used in obesity

Stomach reductions are increasingly used in obesity / Health News

Smaller stomach, greater quality of life: more and more stomach surgeries: IKK Südwest checks sustainability

The surgery is only the beginning: simply reducing the size of the stomach is not enough to permanently reduce weight. A postoperative change in diet is absolutely necessary in order to live sustainably healthier and better. The IKK Südwest has found that the OP is being used more and more frequently. Motivated by the question of sustainability and the long-term effect of the already operated patients was asked how they are today and what effect the operation had.

The number of operations for gastric reduction has doubled within four years at IKK Südwest. * In a survey among IKK insured persons who have already undergone such an OP, it has been found that the vast majority of these OPs as an opportunity for a Nutritional change and thus as an opportunity for a new lifestyle uses. Three quarters of the respondents are female, most of them between 30 and 39 years old. Nearly 90% of these post-operatives said they paid much more attention to their diet and were healthier overall than before the procedure. The largest share of respondents has maintained a stable weight for more than one year after surgery (86%).

Stomach reduction saves lives. (Image: Gorodenkoff /

Nearly all patients (96%) would recover from surgery and are closer to their intervention-related goals of "weight loss / better health" or "cure existing disease" than ever before.

The IKK Südwest sees itself confirmed on the basis of these results in its approach around the so-called "bariatric surgery". "We treat applications for a gastric surgery very carefully and first of all we check whether the non-operative options have been exhausted and all the conditions for an intervention have been met," says IKK Southwest Executive Board member Roland Engehausen, "we know that In some cases an OP can be a good solution ".

"Bariatric surgery" is the medical term, in everyday language it is often simply called "stomach surgery". This refers to interventions that are supposed to facilitate a reduction in body weight in obesity patients: By reducing the size of the stomach or partially removing the small intestine, the patient can absorb less food and thus lose weight. These surgeries vastly expand the range of surgical treatment options for those who are severely overweight and can make everyday life easier for those affected.

* Tummy tuck surgery: from 27 in 2012 to 54 in 2016. Increase in gastric bypass surgery by 50% (from 26 in 2012 to 39 in 2016). Source: IKK Südwest, own evaluation

"The improved quality of life of our insured after a gastric surgery is largely due to the fact that we talk intensively with our insured before the approval of such a harsh surgical procedure on the consequences and the conversion of nutrition," said Monika Theobald, Team Manager Hospital Management of IKK Southwest , Because de facto it is like this: What the insured previously did not do on their own with self-motivation and nutritional counseling, is now enforced by the operation: "A change in diet is imperative, also some vitamins and trace elements must be substituted because of the shortened digestive system not everything can be taken from the food, "explains Monika Theobald," that's hard work, insureds must be prepared for that ".

In principle, the IKK Südwest is, however, important to become active in the context of prevention: "Our goal remains that we support our insured persons early enough so that such OPs can be avoided. The long-term risks can not be underestimated, "says Monika Theobald.

Survey of IKK Südwest on the sustainability of gastric reduction surgery

The survey was conducted by email in the form of an anonymous query within three months. 330 patients were enrolled (140 gastric bypass and 190 gastric tube surgeries). The response rate was 52%.

Requirements for the application for bariatric surgery

Insured persons must prove that they have participated - without any final success - in a six to twelve-month multimodal concept with nutritional therapy, exercise therapy and psychotherapy as behavioral therapy. Thereafter, an application for reimbursement and examination by the Medical Service of the Health Insurance (MDK) can be made. Information on the further course of events can be obtained from the relevant specialist department and the personal customer advisor. (Pm)