Stomach problems due to coffee in the morning

Stomach problems due to coffee in the morning / Health News

Nutritionist: Do not drink coffee on an empty stomach, otherwise stomach ache


Those who eat sweet, sour or bitter foods or drinks in the morning on an empty stomach can quickly suffer from stomach problems. The same applies to coffee, which many people drink in the morning without eating anything. With some advice, however, heartburn and stomach pain can be prevented.

If you drink the first coffee on an empty stomach in the morning, you may quickly suffer from stomach problems. „The roasting substances in coffee stimulate the formation of acid in the stomach“, as the nutritionist Urte Brink from Bergisch Gladbach explained. The symptoms may be as burning in the stomach or heartburn in the esophagus. „Just black coffee with sugar without a foundation is a real one ´acid Locker´ and often not well digestible“, reports the ecotrophologist.

Bread and water soften complaints
With a few tricks, the symptoms can be counteracted without medication. If you at least eat a little bread before drinking coffee, the coffee mixes with normal milk, can mitigate the acidity. In addition, be an espresso „much better compatible than filter coffee“. Often it also comes to stomach ache, „when the coffee is drunk sober with juice.“ Instead, a glass of tap water can be drunk for coffee, as it is handled, for example, in Italy.

Comply with personal compatibility limit
Listening to the gut feeling is also important. The expert advises not to ignore the individual compatibility threshold. „One to two cups of coffee are usually well tolerated.“ Those who drink more may feel the often unpleasant side effects of caffeine. These include, for example, tachycardia, restlessness or excessive sweating. From the practical experience, Brink is able to report that people more often suffer from stomach problems, inner restlessness and sleep disorders when they drink a thermos of coffee every day.

Anyone who often complains of stomach ache after one or two glasses of latte macchiato may be lactose intolerant. If the presumption is confirmed by a doctor, coffee drinkers can switch to milk without lactose or soy milk. People who generally suffer from nervousness, sleep disorders, heartburn or hyperhidrosis should best abstain from consuming coffee. (Sb)

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