Luxury water VOSS is tap water?

Luxury water VOSS is tap water? / Health News

Luxury water VOSS is tap water?

Drinking water is healthy and invigorates body and mind. But must it always be expensive water? Meanwhile, there are so-called water experts who swear by the purity of the water and like to spend even a few euros more.

A particularly expensive water brand is "Voss". Superstars like Madonna swear by the taste and drink no more water. Supposedly, the water comes from a Norwegian glacier and should therefore be something special. For example, in some advertisements on websites, one can read: „The water VOSS comes from glaciers in the south of Norway and is considered the purest water in the world.“

The Norwegian television station „TV2“ has documented in a report that the drink comes from the municipal waterworks in Iveland. The inhabitants of Iveland can easily drink the same water from the tap as tap water. The company has already confirmed this fact, but it is emphasized that water still complies with the promised criteria. A liter of VOSS costs on average 4 euros. (sb, 02.10.2010)

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