Lung cancer mortality rate in women will soon reach a critical level

Lung cancer mortality rate in women will soon reach a critical level / Health News

Lung cancer is on the rise in women

Researchers have now found that deaths in women with lung cancer will increase by half before 2030. This is partly due to the behavior of the tobacco companies, because their advertising is often targeted at women.

The researchers at UIC Barcelona found in their current research that deaths from lung cancer in women will increase dramatically by 2030. The physicians published the results of their study in the English-language journal "Cancer Research".

More and more women are suffering from breast cancer and eventually die from the disease. One reason for this is certainly that many women still smoke today. (Image: pixelrain /

Why are more and more women with lung cancer??

Among the women with lung cancer in 52 countries, the average mortality rate is expected to increase by 43 percent between 2015 and 2030, experts say. The dramatic increase in lung cancer deaths is due to the fact that women in many countries have long been socially acceptable for smoking, explains study author Dr. Jose Martinez-Sanchez from the UIC Barcelona. This reflects why higher lung cancer mortality is observed in these countries.

Are e-cigarettes an alternative to weaning?

While increasing the use of e-cigarettes could help reduce these future death rates, the researchers believe that the evidence supporting the use of e-cigarettes as an aid to weaning is contradictory and concise. The prevention of smoking as such is still the most effective way to reduce lung cancer rates. However, tobacco companies have become more focused on developing countries as restrictions have been introduced in Europe and elsewhere, the researchers explain.

How were the mortality rates calculated??

The mortality rates were calculated by the experts, the number of deaths from lung cancer per 100,000 years, which are lived by the population of each country. A widespread measure to standardize deaths in countries with different life expectancy, explain the physicians. According to this calculation, lung cancer deaths will increase worldwide from 11.2 deaths to 16 deaths in 2030. Only Oceania is expected to reduce mortality from lung cancer.

Lung cancer will soon overtake breast cancer in women

Mortality rates from breast cancer will fall by nine percent during this period. This is the result of early detection programs and treatment advances that can detect and combat breast cancer early. In the 52 countries, which Dr. med. Martinez-Sanchez and his team were investigated, the results suggest that lung cancer will have overtaken breast cancer in 26 countries. The researchers used World Health Organization (WHO) data for their study but did not have enough robust information from African countries to include in their study.

Without countermeasures, lung cancer mortality will increase worldwide

Although major advances have been made in reducing breast cancer mortality worldwide, lung cancer mortality rates are on the rise in women worldwide, says Drs. Martinez-Sanchez. If no smoking reduction measures are implemented in this population, lung cancer mortality worldwide will continue to increase. (As)