Air pollution causes millions of premature births worldwide

Air pollution causes millions of premature births worldwide / Health News
How does the air pollution affect unborn children??
Every year, there are tons of premature births all over the world. Researchers now found that air pollution could be responsible for millions of premature births worldwide. Pollutants taken up by the mother seem to be passed on to the unborn children. This increases the likelihood of premature birth.

A team of scientists from the Stockholm Environment Institute, the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and the University of Colorado found in an investigation that the increasing air pollution causes more and more babies to be born prematurely. The physicians published the results of their study in the journal "Environment International".

Air pollution is increasing rapidly all over the world. This leads to millions of premature births. The premature infants have an increased health risk for several diseases. (Image: Ralf Geithe /

Since 2010, there have been more than 3.4 million premature births due to air pollution
Due to the heavy air pollution worldwide, microscopic pollutants are released. These can then penetrate into the lungs of expectant mothers and be passed on to their unborn children. The experts warned that this effect can lead to the affected babies being born prematurely. The current study found that global air pollution could be the cause of more than 3.4 million premature births since 2010, the physicians add.

Study examines particulate matter with maximum diameter less than 2.5 microns.
Researchers at the Stockholm Environment Institute focused on particulate matter with a maximum diameter of less than 2.5 microns. So they could find out that this form of air pollution was strongest in Sub-Saharan Africa, North Africa and Southeast Asia.

In Southeast Asia, most premature births are due to air pollution
These three regions of the world account for 60 percent of premature births worldwide. Southeast Asia seems to have the most common premature births due to air pollution. Up to 1.6 million cases of premature delivery seem to be due to air pollution, the researchers explain. Although China has a relatively low premature birth rate, the report found that up to 521,000 cases could be linked to air pollution, say the authors.

Premature births are the leading cause of death in infants under the age of five
Early birth and all related conditions are one of the biggest reasons that children around the world are dying. There are still many other causes for premature birth. For this reason, any information about the possible causes are extremely helpful, the experts explain. The numbers in the current study suggest that nearly 15 million babies around the world are born each year before they reach the 37th week of pregnancy, say the authors. One in ten babies in the US and one in thirteen babies in the UK were prematurely born. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), premature delivery is the leading cause of death in infants under the age of five.

Which health disadvantages occur in premature babies?
Premature babies are at high risk of developing health problems. These are especially related to feeding, infections and respiratory problems, explain the physicians. In the long run, premature babies can develop limited hearing and vision and even disability. Early birth and low birth weight can be the cause of stress in infants, inside and outside the uterus, the experts explain. This will increase the risk of ADHD, anxiety and later shyness. (As)