Childhood air pollution quadruples the risk of major depression

Childhood air pollution quadruples the risk of major depression / Health News

How does air pollution affect children??

As children grow up in areas of high levels of air pollution at a young age, they are significantly more likely to develop severe depression at the age of 18.

The scientists at Kings College London found in their recent study that younger children living in areas of high levels of air pollution have a significantly higher risk of developing depression at the age of 18. The physicians published the results of their study in the English-language journal "Psychiatry Research".

Increasing air pollution has a negative impact on the health of the body and mind. Particularly at risk are children and adolescents. (Image: martin33 /

Many mental health problems start in adolescence or childhood

In analyzing how common air pollutants affect adolescents' mental health, the researchers found that young people were three to four times more likely to suffer from depression when exposed to polluted air at the age of twelve. The researchers explain that their findings are particularly significant because 75 percent of mental health problems begin in childhood or adolescence. During this time, the brain is developing very fast. The research also suggests a link between polluted air and antisocial behavior, but further research is needed to confirm this. A larger study is expected by the end of this year.

Air pollution is bad for the body and mind

High levels of air pollution are bad for both adults and children, for both physical and mental health, study author Dr. Helen Fisher from Kings College London. It makes sense to avoid areas with the highest levels of air pollution. National governments should take the problem seriously and reduce harmful air pollution, the expert adds.

Risk for depression was partially quadrupled

Of the 284 children studied in the study who lived in the 25 percent of the most polluted areas at the age of 12, the likelihood of depression at age 18 was three to four times higher than among the 25 percent of children from the least polluted areas , In comparison, previous studies have shown that in children experiencing physical abuse, one and a half times more depressive disorders occur.

Other factors were also considered

Researchers also included other factors that could affect mental health, such as a family history of mental illness, income levels, bullying and smoking. They also looked at the occurrence of anxiety and ADHD in the subjects, but found no relation to air pollution.

Air pollution can reduce intelligence

The risk of antisocial behavior was three to five times higher for high levels of air pollution. However, unlike the association with depression, the result was not statistically significant because overall the number of adolescents who were found to be antisocial was very low. So far, the impact of air pollution on mental health has been relatively unexplored - other than physical health. Adult studies have yielded contradictory results, although there is strong evidence that air pollution can even lead to a significant reduction in intelligence.

Inflammation in the brain Cause of depression?

The study was not meant to investigate the exact cause of the depression. However, an inflammation by the toxic pollution is likely to occur, says study author Fischer. Pollutant particles are small enough to cross the so-called blood-brain barrier. There are strong links between inflammation in the brain and the development of depressive symptoms, the physician explains further. Children and adolescents are particularly vulnerable. Your brain is developing, tremendous hormonal changes are occurring, and children and adolescents are exposed to many stressful situations, such as their social relationships, exams, and job search opportunities.

Further research is needed

Further research is important, but it can be surmised that reducing air pollution is less difficult than avoiding other factors that can cause mental health problems, Fischer explains. A better understanding also allows for early intervention and the introduction of countermeasures. (As)