Air pollution increases the risk of developing dementia

Air pollution increases the risk of developing dementia / Health News

How does air quality affect the risk of dementia??

Air pollution is a serious problem that has a negative impact on the health of people living in many countries around the world. Researchers now found that the ever increasing air pollution increases the likelihood of developing dementia.

The researchers from King's College London found in their current research that polluted air can increase the likelihood of developing dementia. The physicians published the results of their study in the English-language journal "BMJ Open".

At the present time, air pollution continues to increase. The resulting diseases are also on the rise. Scientists have now discovered that air pollution also affects the risk of dementia. (Image: VanderWolf Images /

Older people are particularly affected

People over 50 years of age were particularly at risk in areas with the highest levels of nitric oxide; they had a 40 percent higher risk of developing dementia compared to people from areas with the least exposure, the experts explain. The observational study can not prove that air pollution was a direct cause of dementia. However, the authors explicitly pointed out that the link between increased stress and higher diagnoses of dementia can not be explained by other factors already known to increase the risk of disease.

Air pollution increases the risk of developing dementia by seven percent

Air pollution has been linked to cardiovascular and respiratory diseases. However, the current study is one of the first studies investigating compounds with neurodegenerative diseases. The study's findings suggest a link between air pollution and dementia, but can not tell the cause, says study author Professor Frank Kelly of King's College London. However, the expert believes that there is now enough evidence to put air pollution on the list of risk factors for dementia. The scientists' calculations indicate that air pollution increases the risk of dementia by seven percent.

Other negative effects of air pollution

The new evidence adds to a growing body of evidence that air pollution has far-reaching health implications. Recently, air pollution particles were detected in the placenta of women for the first time. In addition, a groundbreaking study from China recently found a tremendous reduction in intelligence associated with inhaling dirty air.

What were the limitations of the current investigation??

The current study by Kings College London complements earlier research that suggests a link to dementia. However, the authors caution that the results must be interpreted with caution, as the observational study failed to accurately track other possible causes such as lifestyle factors or the relative economic disadvantage of the patients studied.

How was the study done??

The study used air and noise estimates in London and correlated these with anonymised patient records of 131,000 patients aged 50 to 79 years. The health of the participants was medically monitored from 2005 for a period of seven years, with 1.7 percent of patients diagnosed with dementia. Their exposure to air pollution was then estimated based on their postal codes.

Air pollution has a negative impact on the brain

There is growing evidence of the relationship between air pollution and brain health, including dementia and Alzheimer's, say the medical profession. The current study complements this wealth of evidence and fits in with some of the earlier research. As most people in the UK live in urban areas, exposure to traffic and other air pollutants is ever-present. Therefore, even a relatively small increase in risk will have a major impact on public health, the experts add.

Air pollution worsens cognitive development of children

A connection between poor air quality and dementia could begin early in life, the medical profession speculates. Traffic-related air pollution has resulted in poorer cognitive development in younger children and sustained significant exposure may lead to neuroinflammation and altered innate immune responses in the early adulthood.

Action must be taken against air pollution

From various sides, the current study results have already called for the policy to urgently take measures against air pollution, as these damage the health throughout life, from the uterus to old age. It would simply be unacceptable in 2018 that people only increase their risk of dementia by breathing.

Road traffic is the main cause of health problems?

Road traffic should be at the center of our efforts to clean our air, as road transport is the main cause of health problems, say the experts. Efforts to reduce emissions of cars, vans and trucks are urgently needed. Support for alternative modes of transport also requires greater investment, such as safer cycling infrastructure and public transport. (As)