Air pollution affects the menstrual cycle

Air pollution affects the menstrual cycle / Health News

Can the pollution of the air affect the fertility of women??

Researchers now found that the effects of increasing global air pollution are negatively affecting the menstrual cycle of women. Exposure to air pollution can increase the likelihood that sufferers develop menstrual disorders.

Boston University researchers in Massachusetts have found that air pollution has a negative impact on the menstrual cycle. The physicians published the results of their study in the English-language journal "Human Reproduction".

Increasing air pollution leads to several dangerous diseases, such as cancer. In one study, the researchers found that air pollution can also cause menstrual disorders. (Image: Ralf Geithe /

Teenagers are particularly at risk from air pollution

The parents of teenaged girls may eventually ask their daughters to wear a so-called anti-smog mask before they leave home. The results of the study show that exposure to increasing levels of air pollution in girls between the ages of 14 and 18 increases the likelihood of these menstrual dysfunctions. This is due to extremely small particles that have the potential to cause an irregular menstrual cycle, explain the researchers.

Air pollution favors infertility?

In addition to previously identified effects of air pollution on health, this affects according to the experts on the metabolic syndrome (collective term for various diseases and risk factors for cardiovascular disease) and the so-called polycystic ovarian syndrome. Polycystic ovarian syndrome is one of the most common hormonal diseases in women. It is considered one of the most important causes of the unfulfilled desire to have children.

The reproductive endocrine system also appears to be affected by air pollution

Although exposure to air pollution has been largely associated with cardiovascular and lung disease, the study's findings suggest that other systems, such as the reproductive endocrine system, are also affected, says study author Shruthi Mahalingaiah of Boston University.

Airborne particulate matter exhibits hormonal activity

The physicians emphasize that exposure to air pollution in girls of the age of a teenager is associated with an increased likelihood of menstrual dysfunction. In addition, it takes a longer time to compensate for these irregularities in later adulthood. The menstrual cycle responds to the regulation of hormones. Airborne particulate matter exhibits hormonal activity, the experts explain.

Where did the data used in the study come from??

The researchers used the health and location data from the so-called "Nurses Health Study 2" for their study. In addition, measurements of exposure to air pollution from the EPA air quality monitoring system were also included, the experts explain. By using this data, scientists attempted to better understand the exposure of participants during a given time window.

Reducing emissions could prevent many negative impacts

For example, Boston University experts found that exposure to air pollution during school hours correlated with irregularities in the menstrual cycle. Many of the effects of air pollution on various human diseases can be reduced by reducing emissions at a global and individual level, Mahalingaiah emphasizes. (As)