Humidifiers pose a health risk?

Humidifiers pose a health risk? / Health News

Humidifiers can be an additional health hazard


Humidifiers should actually contribute to the protection of health in heated rooms. However, researchers of the German Society of Pneumology and Respiratory Medicine (DGP) warn that the devices could trigger diseases of the airway. The reason for the increased risk of disease due to humidifiers are the pathogenic germs that can multiply in the devices, explained the experts of the DGP. Sensitive individuals are threatened by the germ burden an inflammation of the alveoli, the researchers warn.

Germs in humidifiers
The proliferation of germs in the humidifiers results in the development of a so-called humidification lung in people with sensitive airways. The alveoli are inflamed, the affected suffer from fever, dry cough and recurrent respiratory distress, especially during exercise. However, it is not only humidifiers that may increase the risk of disease. Because „For example, a humidification lung may be caused by poorly maintained air conditioners or polluted indoor fountains, or by steam irons whose water content has not been changed for a long time“, so the warning of Dieter Köhler, member of the scientific advisory board of the DGP. The humidifiers are far from the only household appliances that can promote respiratory disease.

Avoid allergens to prevent humidification
In principle, according to the expert, different allergy triggers cause inflammation of the alveoli, and many medicines and chemicals are known as such allergens. By avoiding the allergen, however, the symptoms can be treated relatively efficiently in most cases. After a short time the symptoms begin to regress, but the avoidance of allergens continues „that you can identify the allergy triggers, which is not always easy“, explained Köhler. (Fp)

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Image: Benjamin Thorn