Solution for PKV insured at Hartz IV?

The Federal Government plans to relieve PKV insured in Hartz IV reference.
(09.07.2010) According to a report of Hartz IV critical magazine "", the federal government plans unemployment benefit II (ALG II) recipients of private health insurance are to relieve future. This resulted in a small request from the parliamentary group "Die Linke" in the German Bundestag.
Currently, PKV insured persons have to raise a large part of their Hartz IV standard rate for the settlement of the PKV insured contribution. Because the employment agencies only take over the contribution for a statutory health insurance. This should change according to the will of the Federal Government now in the future. At present, discussions are being conducted on a "technical level" in order to achieve "rapid results", as it was said. Thus, the government sees basically three ways to end the obvious disadvantage. Either the contribution to private health insurance for ALG II recipients could be reduced to the amount of the statutory health insurance, or another possibility would be for Hartz IV recipients to reopen the way to the statutory health insurance. If all else fails, the Argen should take over the full contribution of the private health insurance in the future.
Until a uniform solution comes, the federal government appeals to private health insurers to refrain from enforcing their full claims. When a new legal regulation is launched is so far uncertain. For some time, the federal government should be aware of this injustice. Because already several judgments of the social courts certified this Hartz IV regulation an unconstitutionality. Currently, around 25,000 people are affected. (Sb)
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Tariff change at PKV health insurance
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