Does sweetener trigger diabetes?

Does sweetener trigger diabetes? / Health News

Study: Sweeteners can cause diabetes


As the pharmacy magazine "Diabetes Guide" reported in a press release, Israeli scientists have found in tests on mice and humans that sweeteners affect the proliferation of intestinal bacteria that interfere with blood sugar regulation. This would result in an increase in blood sugar levels. If the test result is confirmed in further studies, the previous recommendations on the use of sweeteners must be called into question.

Sweeteners damage intestinal bacteria
In recent years, the use of sweetener has become widespread. In particular, people with obesity, obese and diabetics increasingly use sweeteners as a substitute for sugar.
But according to the Israeli study, the sweeteners do not lower the risk of diabetes, but increase it, as the journal Nature reported. Accordingly, the sweeteners are harmful to the gut bacteria and would also lead to glucose intolerance.

Reassessment of sweeteners needed
As the study by researchers of the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel in tests on mice and a small group of people found out, substances such as saccharin, sucralose and aspartame for a change in the intestinal bacteria affect their function. As a result, the regulation of blood sugar levels are disturbed and the mirror rises. Therefore, they call for a reassessment of these substances, as these „the most widely used additives worldwide“ belong, so the scientists.

Study still needs to be expanded
As Nita Forouhi of the University of Cambridge commented on the Nature article, the study was not yet representative enough to draw definitive conclusions. However, the study shows that sweetener is probably not the „harmless miracle weapon against obesity and diabetes“ These.

Already last year, a French institute published a study suggesting an increase in the risk of diabetes from the consumption of sweeteners. However, she refuses to change the health recommendations based solely on the available study results. (Jp)

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