Is it safe to predict suicide?

Can predict who suicidal thoughts acts to follow?
According to experts, up to ten percent of the population develop suicidal thoughts during their lifetime. But it is also possible to predict who will follow this idea with action?
In Germany alone, 10,000 people die each year
According to a report by the World Health Organization (WHO), self-killing takes place every 40 seconds worldwide. In Germany alone, around 10,000 people die each year. It is known that among other things older men are particularly suicidal. In addition, a recent study showed that people with money worries have more suicidal thoughts. But it is also possible to predict who really wants to take his own life?

To estimate the risk of suicidal behavior
According to a statement by the University of Leipzig, about five to ten percent of the population develop suicidal thoughts during their lifetime.
According to current research, however, an accurate prediction of who follows this idea with action is not possible.
Nevertheless, doctors and therapists need evidence to estimate the risk of suicidal behavior.
Scientists from the University of Leipzig are investigating a theory for predicting suicidal thoughts and actions.
Experts must estimate the risk based on certain factors
When should a suicidal patient be hospitalized and treated? Can a patient leave the clinic over the weekend or is the risk of suicide too high??
These questions must be answered regularly by doctors and therapists, and the risk must be assessed on the basis of certain factors.
Although there are established risk factors for suicidal behavior, such as male gender, drug addiction or suicide attempt.
But their practical significance is to be viewed critically for the prediction of suicidal acts in individual cases.
"The study situation from the past decades is clear: We can not predict a suicide so far safe," says Prof. Dr. med. Heide Glaesmer, Psychological Psychotherapist and Deputy Head of the Department of Medical Psychology and Medical Sociology.
"We want to improve the prediction of suicidal actions and therefore investigate theories of suicidal behavior in empirical studies."
Theory of suicidal behavior empirically tested
In a recent study, female scientists examined the evidence on the interpersonal theory of suicidal behavior by Thomas Joiner.
This states that three components cause a possible suicide: Affected feel a burden for others and do not feel affiliated to any valued group of society.
The third aspect describes "capability for suicide", ie the ability to die through suicide. Because not every person is able to inflict pain and injury that can lead to death.
This property can be acquired through traumatic experiences such as abuse or war, but also through suicide attempts already made. So far, the theory has assumed that it will be acquired and then rather stable over time.
Patients interviewed about their health via smartphone
The study of the Leipzig scientists shows something else: The ability to inflict these injuries on themselves can vary from day to day.
Inpatients who suffered from depression and had suicidal thoughts participated in the study.
For the investigation, they were asked via smartphone for six nights in a row to assess whether they could have sustained great physical pain today and how fearless they were today toward death.
"A certain percentage of subjects always answered the same. The majority, on the other hand, gave a slightly different answer every day, "explains Drs. Lena Spangenberg, researcher and head of the study.
"The ability to die by suicide therefore has not only to do with the previous life events and experiences, but also with the current state of health," says the expert.
Currently, another study is being conducted
Currently another study is being carried out together with colleagues from Aachen and Bochum.
In this study, about 300 patients who were admitted to psychiatric hospitals after suicide attempts or because of acute suicidality were interviewed.
They will be interviewed again after six, nine and twelve months.
The aim of this study is to take a closer look at the importance of the interpersonal theory of suicidal behavior for the prediction of suicidality in this high-risk group. (Ad)