Noise pollution leads to headaches in children

Noise pollution can cause headaches in children
If children are exposed to constant noise, it can have health consequences. Among other things, the noise could lead to headaches and concentration problems. Especially in the nursery, the noise level should be low so that children can sleep undisturbed.
Nervous system is affected
If children suffer from concentration problems and headaches, it may be because they are permanently exposed to excessive noise. Parents are advised to check if their child can sleep in peace. Children who are constantly exposed to noise levels above 68 decibels (dB) will be affected by the autonomic nervous system. This was explained by Professor Berthold Koletzko, Chairman of the Foundation for Child Health in Munich.
Stress hormone adrenaline is increasingly released
Accordingly, the body then increasingly releases the stress hormone adrenaline. The consequence of this is that the skin gets less blood circulation, the muscle tension increases and the metabolism works faster. Among other things, this could lead to headaches and concentration problems. If two people with a distance of one meter to each other can talk at normal volume, the noise level is reported to be no more than 70 dB. A vacuum cleaner is similarly loud.
Calm in the children's bedroom
However, if the two persons have to raise their voices in order to communicate, the sound intensity is already 80 dB, similar to a busy street. And if communication is difficult even with calls, it's 90 dB. According to the foundation, no one can communicate beyond 105 dB. The hearing can already be damaged from 85 dB upwards if it is permanently so loud. The noise pollution caused by road traffic in the nursery should not permanently exceed 30 dB, so that the offspring can sleep undisturbed. In addition, the Foundation advises that isolated noises should not be louder than 40 dB.
Noise endangers your health
However, noise can be harmful to health not only in children but also in adults. Excessive exposure to noise is associated with causing stress, irritability, anxiety, and nervousness in people. High blood pressure can be caused by experts, thereby increasing the risk of a heart attack or stroke. It should be appreciated by those skilled in the art that stress relief techniques, such as yoga or autogenic training, can help cope better with exposure to noise. (Ad)