Noise Every eighth child has hearing loss

Noise: Every eighth child has a hearing loss. The information portal of the Federal Center for Health Education (BzgA) has warned of the consequences of noise for children. According to BzgA, every eighth child between the ages of eight and 14 in Germany now has a hearing loss. The BzGA recommends measures that have been propagated by naturopathy for years.
(26.04.2010) The information portal of the Federal Center for Health Education (BzgA) has warned of the consequences of noise for children. According to BzgA, almost 13 percent of children between the ages of eight and 14 in Germany now have a hearing loss in at least one ear. The results come from a three-year study by the Federal Environment Agency.
Especially in today's toy range are many noise sources such as whistles, children's pistols, metal drums, trumpets and trumpets that reach extreme values. But also environmental noise, by playing or living on busy roads, near airports or corridors and construction sites, can affect the whole organism of children. Because the constant noise, especially in large cities, the children can not escape, can lead to an increased release of stress hormones and also nervousness, lack of concentration, circulatory disorders, increased blood pressure and disturbed sleep. Normally, when children play, noise also appears as an expression of age-appropriate development and zest for life, but this does not seem to stress the child's organism.
The consequences and possible damage usually develop slowly and unnoticed. If the hearing impairments and injuries then become visible and perceptible in an older age, they are irreversible. The countermeasures recommended by the BzgA are as simple as logical. Parents should refrain when buying on the toys with peak levels in the noise pollution if possible. Furthermore, children should have rest rooms and phases, and parents should lead them as a good example when dealing with noise. In nature, the noise pollution is of course lower- that is why parents with their children as often and regularly choose the stays in nature. But also free spaces, where children can let off steam and be loud themselves, should be assured. Actually, all claims that the natural medicine propagated for years, but probably only now in the truest sense of the word heard. It is to be hoped that April 28, as an International Day of Action Against Noise, will raise public awareness of the issue so that parents and noise makers are sensitized. (TF)
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