Liz Hurley calls for breast cancer checks

Liz Hurley calls for breast cancer checks / Health News

Liz Hurley: Model calls women for breast cancer checks


The British model Liz Hurley has called women over 40 to the annual breast cancer control. The grandmother of the film beauty died in 1992 of breast cancer. Hurley is not the first actress to fight the disease. Among others, Angelina Jolie is mentioned in this context again and again.

Over 40 every year to breast cancer test
British model and movie beauty Liz Hurley has called women over 40 to the annual breast cancer test. „If you are over 40 you should have a mammography done every year“, The 49-year-old actress was quoted on Monday in British media. If the disease is detected in time, 95 percent of breast cancer cases could be cured, according to a news agency dpa. Hurley's grandmother, who is the ambassador for a fashion house's Breast Cancer Awareness campaign, died of breast cancer in 1992.

Actress gives away mammograms
„At that time, little was written about breast cancer“, said the actress of „Times“ (Monday edition). Today, she bullys all her friends and families to have them examined regularly. Hurley explained in the „Times“: „I gave girlfriends mammograms for their birthday, who could not afford them.“ Actor Hugh Grant's ex-girlfriend, who according to newspaper reports just separated from her short-term friend David Yarrow, joins the guard of actresses fighting the disease.

Mastectomy as a preventive measure
For example, the American actress Angelina Jolie had made headlines when she decided to amputate her breasts as a precautionary measure. In May 2013, it became known that the breast cancer risk gene BRCA-1 had been detected in a genetic test and that she had an increased familial risk. Thereupon the Hollywood size decided for the Mastektomie and has in the consequence a proper „Angelina Jolie-effect“ triggered. Their openness has obviously had an influence on other women, and this has increased the number of check-ups. Angelina Jolie has recently become a role model in British media for breast cancer screening. (Ad)

Picture: Rainer Sturm