Listeria found in onion sausage

Listeria found in onion sausage / Health News

Once again Listeria found in food: Consumer Ministry warns against the consumption of onion sausage. The onion sausage is contaminated with Listeria bacteria.

(08.06.2010) The consumer ministries of Baden-Wuerttemberg and Rhineland-Palatinate warn against onion meal sausage before consuming listeria-contaminated. The sausage was distributed in the supermarket chains Kaufland / Handelshof. Affected is the "turkey onion sausage, 150 g" of the master "Heidemark".

As can be seen from the authorities, it is the onion sausage with the shelf life data 2.6. until 23.6. with the lot number 91204 of the company "Heidemark". Listeria bacteria were found in this sausage variety. Listeria-contaminated goods can not be recognized by their appearance, smell or taste. For this reason, consumers who have bought this sausage should either return it to the supermarket or dispose of it. In no case should the Onion Meal Sausage be eaten with these best before dates. The supermarket chain "Kaufland" confirmed the Listeria infestation and warns on its website now also before the consumption of the Mettwurst. According Kaufland, the sausage could be returned, the purchase price would be refunded without a receipt. Meanwhile, the goods were removed from the shelves.

Listeria can cause serious infectious diseases. Affected are especially people who have a weakened immune system. These groups of persons mainly include the elderly, the chronically ill, children and pregnant women. Listeria can trigger the disease listeriosis. The disease is similar to a flu infection. At first suffer from diarrhea and complain of severe abdominal pain. As the disease progresses, fever, severe headache, paralysis, and dizziness become common. In some very unfavorable cases, listeriosis can also lead to death. A big problem with the medical diagnosis is the recognition of the diseases. Between an infection and an outbreak can take up to two months. If consumers have already eaten this sausage, they should consult a doctor immediately.

Every year, around 500 people in Germany suffer from listeriosis. In most cases, the disease was unproblematic. But that always depends on the physical condition of the patients. For example, in Austria in autumn 2009, at least seven people died of Listeria-contaminated cheese. (Sb)

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Lidl warns about Listeria contaminated cheese
Lidl warns of two cheeses
Picture: Ernst Rose.