Apply cold sore ointment only with cotton swabs

Apply cold sore ointment only with cotton swabs / Health News
What to look for in herpes - apply ointment with cotton swabs
About two out of three people are infected with herpesviruses. However, few know about contagion, treatment and prevention of herpes. For some people, infection can be dangerous. Experts have some tips for those affected ready.

Many do not know about their infection
According to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), more than 85 percent of Germans are infected with herpes viruses, the majority does not even notice. The viruses are often only active through certain influences such as stress or strong sunlight and lead to herpes in the mouth. Health experts advise to treat cold sores as early as possible.

If cold sores are treated, the ointment should be better applied with cotton swabs and not with your finger. This prevents the spread of the virus to other parts of the body. (Image: kasanka19 /

Creams lead to faster healing
But what helps against herpes? "The use of creams, the so-called antivirals (substances that inhibit the spread of virus) such. Aciclovir, cause a faster healing. It is better, however, to apply them directly at the first signs of redness and burning, "says Prof. Volker Steinkraus from Dermatologikum Hamburg.

Apply ointment with cotton swabs
Patients should apply preparations for cold sores with a cotton swab and not with their fingers. Because this prevents the spread of the virus to other areas of the body, as the magazine "Neue Apotheken Illustrierte" in the current issue (Issue August 15, 2016) explained. The experts recommend starting therapy right at the first sign of a tingling sensation.

Plasters promote healing process
In a previous issue of the journal, it is stated that local drugs with the active ingredients aciclovir or penciclovir are used in the normal course. Such drugs are designed to inhibit virus proliferation. They therefore help most effectively the sooner they are used. Relatively new are transparent patches that curb the spread of herpes viruses and promote the healing process.

Home remedies for herpes help
The infection does not always have to be treated with antiviral drugs. Sometimes, home remedies for herpes, such as manuka honey or tea tree oil. It is also important to wash your hands often and thoroughly. In addition, sufferers should not share cutlery or towels with others to protect them from infection. From the herpes outbreak to the healing can take up to two weeks.

Special care for some people
However, herpes is not harmless to all people. According to health experts, special care should be taken with regard to pregnant women, nursing mothers, infants and toddlers. You should immediately consult a doctor at the first sign of a herpes infection. Infected adults should be very careful when in contact with small children. Even a kiss from them could be fatal for babies, as a case from Great Britain showed. (Ad)