Left calls for over-the-counter pill afterwards

Left calls for over-the-counter pill afterwards / Health News

Women use the pill more and more often: Left calls clearance without a prescription


More and more women are taking the pill afterwards because they want to prevent an unwanted pregnancy after an unprotected sexual intercourse. Compared to 2010, in 2011 about 10 percent more patients were given the pill afterwards by their GP or gynecologist. The Federal Government reports to a small request from the group „The left“.

The „Pill afterwards“ is available in over 20 countries in Europe without a prescription. The World Health Organization (WHO) has been recommending the medicine with the active substance for several years „levonorgestrel“ make all women freely accessible. In Germany, women must first consult a doctor to the „Pill afterwards“ to get prescribed. Without a prescription the purchase of the drug in the pharmacy is not possible. Nevertheless, the statutory health insurance companies cover the costs. For example, the health insurances paid around 115 million euros for contraceptives of all kinds in 2011.

10 percent more prescriptions for emergency contraception
According to the answer to the small request of the party „The left“ The number of patients who have been prescribed the pill by a doctor after that increased by about 10 percent in Germany compared to the same period last year. Thus, the subsequent contraception was administered exactly 367,427 times. In this context, the Left Party calls for the delivery of the pill without a prescription. The women's spokeswoman for the party, Yvonne Ploetz, told the party „image“: "We demand from the Federal Government: Give the pill finally free! After a sexual breakdown, it must go quickly. A over-the-counter delivery of pills in pharmacies is overdue."

Pill then no abortion pill
In the „Pill afterwards“ is the opinion of the left „by no means an abortion pill“, as this does not work in an already existing pregnancy. Rather, be the drug „an emergency contraception after an unprotected sexual intercourse“. Since the effectiveness of the preparation is only very limited in time, access should „be made possible quickly.“ Experience in other countries would also have shown, „that a prescription freedom does not lead to an increase in risky contraceptive behavior and does not affect the regular contraception“. Advice to women could be guaranteed by the pharmacy system. (Sb)

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Image: Harald Wanetschka, Pixelio