Left counseling instead of vaccination

Left counseling instead of vaccination / Health News

Doctors and midwives are better informed about measles vaccinations


In view of the increased measles infections in recent months, the introduction of compulsory vaccination is currently being discussed intensively at various levels, with opinions - and not only in politics - being sometimes far apart. The Left Party has now made it clear in a recent communication that compulsory vaccination as a compulsory measure in their view, only eligible, „if all other measures have not been successful and there is a corresponding threat to public health.“ Similarly, the party Alliance 90 / The Greens voiced its opinion about two weeks ago.

The current media coverage of the measles outbreak in Berlin and the lack of vaccine protection sometimes give the impression that most Germans are fundamental vaccination opponents who have to be forced by vaccination to their happiness. In fact, statistics show that 64 percent of parents are already fully convinced of vaccinations and have their children vaccinated accordingly, the Greens report. Only one percent of parents categorically exclude vaccination. „The high rate of initial vaccination shows that very few parents deliberately decide against vaccination“, so the message of the Left Party. The introduction of a compulsory vaccine in anyway steadily increasing measles vaccination rates of children does not really help.

Vaccination ethically and constitutionally problematic
Basically, the voluntary nature of medical services „in itself a high good, because it is about self-determination, physical integrity and also the confidence in the patient-orientation of medicine“, report the left. A medical intervention without consent fulfills the offense of bodily harm. On the other hand, it would be necessary to ensure sufficiently high vaccination quotas in order to build up so-called herd protection and thus to block the transmission paths of the viruses. However, a vaccination of the population here is not necessarily necessary to achieve the most important goals, so the position paper of the Left Bundestag faction. „A compulsory intervention in bodily integrity is always ethically and constitutionally problematic“, tell the left. Although the current measles outbreaks are alarming, they would have been largely prevented by appropriate measures in the opinion of the Left Party.

Continue to increase the acceptance of measles vaccinations
Instead of discussing the introduction of mandatory vaccination, the Left Party believes that a social debate is needed to reach a broad consensus on measles vaccines. „The acceptance of vaccination depends crucially on the involvement of those affected in decision-making“, so the message of the left. Vaccination relieves the individual of this decision and the state defines instead what is right and what is wrong. Understandably, this type of decision causes discomfort, mistrust or even resistance. For example, the Left Party calls alternative measures to improve vaccination rates „a nationwide, uplifting information offer for parents, for example, in the kindergarten, the school, etc., which communicates value-free, understandable and without raised index finger the state of knowledge.“

Doctors should check vaccination status and advise
Furthermore, physicians, but also midwives and maternity nurses should be obliged by profession to information for vaccination, the position of the left. Care must be taken to ensure that the current state of science forms the basis of the advice, because some members of different professions would rather spread beliefs as information. Even local initiatives that allow, for example, only vaccinated children the visit of individual day-care centers are justified in the view of the left. However, the Left Party sees a fundamental legal obligation to vaccinate kindergarten children as it de facto denies the right to a day-care center for those who have decided not to vaccinate their children. As adults sometimes have larger implants, physicians should know the vaccination status of their patients and, if necessary, provide appropriate counseling, the Left Party continues. (Fp)