Lemonade favors gout risk

Lemonade favors gout risk / Health News

High fructose increases gout risk

Lemonades and fruit juice drinks can increase the risk of gout. The reason for this is the high fructose content in the drinks.

(06.12.2010) If you drink a lot of sodas, orange juice and other fruit juices, you increase the risk of getting gout. Because in high doses, the fruit sugar (fructose) contained in the drinks is not completely absorbed in the intestine. This results in discomfort such as abdominal pain, severe flatulence to diarrhea. Sweet sodas or orange juice also increase the risk of getting gout. Just a glass of orange juice is enough to significantly increase the risk of illness. According to a study by the US University of Boston, a glass of orange juice is enough to increase the risk of disease by 74 percent.

Gout (uricopathy) is very widespread, especially in western industrialized countries. The painful illness affects more and more people. The recorded new cases increased in the last few years by leaps and bounds. Researchers see here a connection to the increased consumption of sweetened beverages. The food industry praises fructose again and again as an alternative to the traditional table sugar. This is clearly indicated on the products. So it is often on the offered soft drinks and desserts: „Without sugar, sweetened with natural fructose“. The Federal Chamber of Pharmacists warns: "Fruit sugar is a 'wolf in sheep's clothing'," said Erika Fink, President of the Federal Pharmacist's Chamber in the Pharmaceutical newspaper. It would be better to have access to drinks or other foods that have a low sugar content overall. "Consumers should look at the ingredient lists of foods and eat or drink only small amounts of a food sweetened with fear sugar."

Gout is a chronic metabolic disease, usually in spurts and progressively worse. Deposits in the joints alter the cartilage and bone mass. Sufferers suddenly experience severe pain in their limbs and joints. As the disease progresses, it also causes massive damage to the excretory organs. The worst consequence is chronic kidney failure.

Often foods are praised with a high fructose content, specifically „child-friendly“ should be. However, the Apothekerverband warns against resorting uncritically to such products. Instead, parents should not offer their children sweet sodas or other fruit drinks in large quantities. Better are so-called spritzers or fruit that contain only small amounts of fructose. Fruit should be on the menu every day anyway. The Federal Association of Pharmacies refers to their information offer in terms of healthy nutrition. More than 2,000 pharmacists have specialized in dietary advice throughout Germany and like to inform patients individually. (Sb)

Also read:
Fructose increases gout risk
Too much fructose in ready-to-eat foods

Picture credits: Alexandra H.