Supply shortage in many important vaccines in Germany

Supply shortage in many important vaccines in Germany / Health News
No optimal supply of vaccines guaranteed during the winter
There are currently bottlenecks in some "human vaccines". These are usually used to prevent or treat infectious diseases. Due to the delivery difficulties, a vaccine deficiency, for example for whooping cough or tetanus, is characterized in Germany. However, alternatives from other suppliers are available for some of the vaccines.

A listing of the Paul Ehrlich Institute (PEI) shows that there are currently bottlenecks in some vaccines. In the overview but also alternative vaccines are given. The aim of the list is to provide an overview of whether and which of the antibodies against infectious diseases are available. Due to delivery bottlenecks, not all medicines are available at all times. For example, there are currently no vaccines against influenza, tetanus or diphtheria. A delivery shortage means that it is unlikely that deliveries will be made in normal quantities for more than two weeks or more. One of the reasons for this can be, for example, an unexpected, increased demand. For the moment, for these or similar reasons, about two dozen of the vaccines are not sufficiently available in the German market.

Threatening bottlenecks in the supply of individual vaccines. (Image: Anton Gvozdikov /

Basic vaccines available and vaccine protection in many people available
Due to the delivery difficulties, it will not be possible to get missing vaccines in the near future. A problem could arise because now many of the children of refugees can not be vaccinated and treated optimally. In some diseases then increased infection and spread is possible. However, a spokeswoman for the Paul Ehrlich Institute stated that such warnings of the professional association of paediatricians were doubtful. The population can continue to be adequately supplied with basic vaccines. There are no risky gaps in vaccine protection. From a delayed refreshing of vaccinations is not really dangerous and therefore acceptable in this case. In addition, other preparations would be available as alternatives for a primary vaccination against the diseases mentioned by the paediatricians. (As)